PRESENT FINANCIAL BEHAVIOUR AFFECTS PROPHETIC DESTINY The Scriptures contain many examples of how so many people’s spiritual journey and destiny in God was affected by how they handled their money, particularly in respect to the matter of giving. Financial attitudes affect spiritual destiny significantly. Financial and fiscal behaviour impacts your future either negatively or positively. Negative examples exist in the persons of Cain, Achan, Gehazi, King Saul, Tobiah, the nation of Israel in times of spiritual slump, Judas, the rich young ruler, Annanias and Saphira, etc. Positive examples include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Abel, Joseph, the widow of Zarephath, the Shunammite woman, David, Israel as a nation in times of spiritual reformation, Ruth, Josiah, Hezekiah, Jehosophat, Nehemiah, Ezra, Shebna, Jesus Christ, the wise men from the east who came see Jesus, the woman who anointed Jesus with spikenard perfume, Joseph of Arimathea, Barnabas, Lydia, Onesiphorous and Epaphraditus, the Phillipian church, the Macedonian church, etc. The positive examples listed above functioned by Kingdom economic principles and were not just well taken care of materially, but proceeded with rapid acceleration towards climaxing the will of God for their lives. Financial rectitude and accuracy in the Kingdom of God is not simply about giving per se. It concerns perfecting one’s obedience as you journey towards absolute maturity in God, and has a huge impact of the degree to which you will reach fullness in executing the purposes of God attendant with your life. The negative examples above prove that no matter how grand and strategic your calling and functional placement in God is, if you show disesteem for His financial principles, you will quickly lose your privileged position and be relegated to the fringes of His global purposes, or worst, totally lose your Kingdom citizenship and relationship with God. Our patterns of giving, work ethic, creative and industrious attempts at production for wealth creation, stewardship, management and administration of personal and corporate resources, unselfish distribution to the poor and those in need, etc. all need to come under the forensic examination of the Holy Spirit and be realigned to greater accuracy for greater effect. The specific aspect of personal financial giving is the first and most elementary expression of financial obedience. The Scriptures offer many guiding principles for this domain of our financial lives. In subsequent chapters, and in part two in this series of Kingdom Economics14, I set forth the biblical position on this matter. Kingdom Financial Grace be yours! Blessings Pastor Geoff and Prophetess Virginia...
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 09:55:22 +0000

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