PRESIDENT JONATHAN AND THE STRATEGIC ALLIANCE We saw how America aligned with armed groups to topple Sadam Hussain of Iraq, president Mahmad Gaddafi of Libya.Bashir Al Asad of Syria,we saw what happened in Cairo between Mohammed Mosey,America, Abdull Fattah Al sisi and the armed groups. We are seeing how America’s allies are funding ISIS (Islamic state).what is happening in Yameen is also a case of alliance. we saw how France and Mali Government aligned with Alqaeda to fight National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (Northern Mali). We saw how president Gaddafi aligned with armed groups from Northern Mali and Niger Repuplic during the revolution.we have seen how south Sudan aligned with armed groups to fight rebel. We saw how Tamil tiger of Sri Lanka aligned with government to commit abuses. We can keep counting of such alliances. Nigeria is not excepted from such alliance with terrorist like Boko haram. The way President Jonathan of PDP handle Boko Haram issue with less concern and counter utterances suggest that there is a possibly strong relationship with Boko Haram. (2) Mr. Jonathan made himself number one enemy of the north by cancelling Yar’adua dream project (dredging of River Niger) and diverted the funds to Niger Delta, which Northern people would have benefited a lot.(3) OBJ’s story about the snipers who are trained to eliminate prominent Northerner which majority of the Northerner believed him(4) Refusal of Mr. President to name the sponsors of Boko Haram. (5) 90% of the attacked carried out by Boko Haram on schools and worship centres toke place 24 hours after the security operatives left the scenes, which suggest strong alliance. May God help us with a positive change .Ameen
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:37:15 +0000

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