PRINCIPLES OF DRESSING PRINCIPLE OF LOVE Matt 22 vs 37-40 Jesus - TopicsExpress


PRINCIPLES OF DRESSING PRINCIPLE OF LOVE Matt 22 vs 37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. These two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. These are the words of our Lord Jesus himself saying love is the greatest commandment in fact the bible says in 1Cor 12 vs 31, where it encourages us to covet spiritual gifts but yet a more excellent way is to allow the spirit of love to be shed abroad in our heart or else every action not birthed from the spirit of love will be as good as wasted. From the above scripture our Lord Jesus commanded us to Love our GOD, OUR NEIGHBOURS AND OURSELVES. If love is the greatest commandment then I also believe that it is also the greatest principle to guide the believers when dressing. The first great commandment Jesus said is love God with all your heart. So my brethren putting on that dress is it as a result of your love for God or yourself? Or would you say you were directed by God to wear that dress. If only the love for God is so deep or shed abroad in our heart, we would realize that our dress style will have continue to glorify God; but on the contrary scripture says they honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me. I therefore encourage you that before you just make the decision to wear anything ensure that your maker is happy and it’s also a proof of your love for Him. Don’t forget true love for God is honour and reverence (Malachi 1 vs 6). Furthermore; Jesus said the second great commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. I have heard it being said over times including Christians that bible never tell us to love our neighbor MORE Than ourselves, which is true and it has also start getting into me until a friend also said that the bible also never said we should love our neighbor LESS THAN OUR SELVES. The idea behind the former principle is, you need not go the extra mile in terms of loving your neighbor. The truth is what Jesus did for us on the cross was a love that can be said to be a love more than Himself and all through scriptures we are encourage to always consider others first in terms of actions especially those of us that claim to be mature or spiritual Christians, let those who are strong bear the burdens of those who are weak but today reverse is the case, you see more acclaimed spiritual sons of God or preacher are the one weakening the spirit of baby believers by their dress styles forgetting that expedient living is what is expected, people are not ready to give a way personal pleasure for any reason especially because of a neighbour’s spiritual growth! But that’s what Jesus did and we are called Christ Likes! So brethren when next you are putting on a dress are you sure you are not leading someone to hell indirectly? Beware it could be dangerous you may say can’t everybody just grow up, you did not just grow up, sacrifice was made for you, you have to do it for others. A typical example of this is the way NCCF (Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship) of the NYSC (National Youth Service Corp) in Nigeria welcomes new corp members into their different states; they welcome them with so much enthusiasm that you wonder that, was these a special command by the leaders. But having gone through the scheme I now have a better understanding, the basic principle is you were welcomed this way so that in return you could do the same to the incoming ones with Love. Don’t forget one important aspect of Love is SACRIFICE. AS YOURSELVES… also this imply that we are to love ourselves because if you don’t love yourself you are only joking looking for someone else approval. Why should I love you if you don’t love yourself? Our dress style should also portray love for yourself. It is not holiness to leave your hair unkempt or not to iron your dresses or not to take your bath or brush your teeth; if you love yourself you will do all these. But this is the bottom line the order is not OURSELVES, NEIGHBOR AND GOD but should be GOD, NEIGHBOR AND YOURSELVES. So in a nutshell, when you dress and especially to appear publicly ensure you pass the test in the right order, love for God, love for neighbor, love for yourself, don’t jump love for God and go to love for neighbor saying it was my neigbour I was trying to please, you must please God first! Other things come secondary.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 07:02:12 +0000

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