PROCLAIM, DECLARE AND DECREE THIS! I decree and declare wisdom - TopicsExpress


PROCLAIM, DECLARE AND DECREE THIS! I decree and declare wisdom is my counselor; the Holy Spirit is my consultant; Jesus Christ is my advocate. God, El Elyon, my only judge has declared and I therefore establish that my officers are peace, my exactors righteousness, my walls salvation and my gates praise. I forcefully resist the wiles of the devil and prohibit the hijacking of divine thoughts, inspiration, revelation, insight, wisdom, knowledge and understanding emanating from the throne room of my Heavenly Father, especially those who initiate, stimulate, sustain and reinforce my kingdom authority in the earth realm and in the heavenlies, and who facilitate Gods redemptive purpose. I obliterate and annihilate satanic impressions, illusions, projections, perceptions, suggestions, suspicions and receptions set up as a decoy or an ambush to my soul and those assigned to pray with me, for me, on behalf of me, and those who work with me, are assigned to me and interact with me daily. I nullify diabolical decisions and rulings concerning my ministry, my life, and the lives of my family members, friends and associates. I overrule, disallow and veto every diabolical sanction, subverting activity, injunction, directive, mandate or order that opposes the will of the Lord concerning my life, ministry and family. I pull down strongholds and cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that lifts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ. My thoughts are subject to the lordship of Christ. I forbid and disallow further opposing activities of any satanic personalities with diabolical assignments concerning my life, ministry and family, and I wage a war with them. I put a halt to all distractive, disturbing and destructive measures. For this reason was the Son of God made manifest, that He would destroy the works of the enemy. I prevail against satanic inhibitions, prohibitions and all limitations. I decree and declare all invisible and invincible walls are destroyed. I execute divine judgement against satanic and demonic activities and I war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu. I prohibit the alteration and changing of any time or laws concerning my life and ministry or the life of my family. I move synchronized and syncopated to the choreographic, symphonic and orchestrated movements of God. I bind satanic harassment and rebuke satanic concentrations. I bring to a halt and prohibit all satanic surveillance. I lift false burdens and remove feelings of heaviness, oppression and depression. I cast them upon the Lord who sustains. I shall not be moved. I come against falsehoods, slander, speculation, accusation, misrepresentation and character assassination. Father, cause the heavens to bow down with divine judgement; cast forth lightning to scatter them; shoot out Your arrows to destroy them; send Your hand from above and rid me of them. I will lose no ground or territory through their undermining efforts or initiatives. I declare that every lying tongue is wrong and that truth prevails. Put a hook in their nostrils, bridle their lips and hide me from the scourge of their tongues. I reverse the curse associated with these utterances and decree and declare that they shall not stand, they shall not come to pass, they shall not take root and their violent verbal dealings are returned to them twofold. I prohibit the accuser of the brethren from operating or influencing the soul or mind of anyone who comes into contact with me. I establish that if laws, statutes, codifications, bills, charters, and constitutions are changed, they are changed in my favor so that I may prosper in the place of my assignment and the land in which I am domiciled. I reverse the effect of any stigmas and declare that divine favor, grace, honor and well wishes now replace any and all negative feelings, perceptions and thoughts concerning myself, my family and the work/ministry that I am called to accomplish. I speak that Gods anointing destroys every yoke in my life and that my soul, spirit and body function in order according to divine systems of protocol. I come against the spirit of deprivation. The Lord prospers the work of my hands. By Him and through Him I accomplish great exploits. I shall not be denied. I decree and declare I am fully loaded with benefits. I declare success and progress in Jesus name. I decree and declare that nobility and greatness are my portion and that my set time of favor will not be frustrated. Confirm the words of Your servant in their midst and perform the counsel of Your messengers. I declare successful, divine, and angelic undertakings, undergirding, reinforcements and assistance. According to Your Word in Psalm 103:20, angels now excel in strength to marshal and protect my personage, property and possessions. I place upon myself the armor of light and of the Lord. Truth to cover my loins. The breastplate of righteousness to cover my heart and chest cavity. The gospel of peace to cover my feet. The shield of faith to defensively and offensively cover my body. The helmet of salvation to cover my head. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Lord Jesus Christ. A robe of righteousness. The glory of God is my reward. I decree and declare the kingdom of heaven rules and reigns. Jehovah Jireh loose the loins of kings! In the name of Jesus, command that the two leaved gates be opened. Go before me and make the crooked places straight. Break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut asunder the bars of iron. Grant unto me, according to Your riches in glory, Your tender mercies and immeasurable favor, the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. I declare that the Cyrus anointing flows unhindered and uncontaminated in my life. Lift up your heads, O ye gates (keepers of the gates), and be lifted up forever, you age abiding doors (doorkeepers) that the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord of hosts may come in. I announce my awareness that cannot deny Him access. Therefore, I will not and cannot be denied of what rightfully belongs to me! I seal this prayer in Jesus name...Amen
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:05:16 +0000

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