PROPHECY FOR THE PHILIPPINES BY THE HOLY SPIRIT THRU CINDY JACOBS on Oct.27, 2001 in California , U.S.A. The prophecy was delivered unexpectedly and extemporaneously on October 27, 2001. The venue was the Catch the Fire conference of Harvest International Ministries in California , U.S.A. Cindy Jacobs, American founder and head of a worldwide prayer network: Generals of Intercession; author of three best-selling books on prayer, prophecy, and spiritual warfare; and a widely recognized prophet to the nations, were an invited speaker. GOD is calling all God fearing, God serving, God loving Filipinos (boys and girls, men and women, grandpas and grandmas) of all sect, denomination, cell groups, churches, religious, missions, charitable groups, prayer groups, bible study groups, families and friends, barkadas, bandas, overseas workers and residents, anyone and everyone who dearly love the Philippines: This is a call for prayer and fasting from this day on to year 2010.for national deliverance and the forgiveness of sin. (1) For Church/Org. leaders and men of authority: fasting for 40 days (once a year) and prayer everyday: (2) For middle, assistants, deacons, team leaders, ministry leaders fasting for a day (once a week) and prayer: (3) For ordinary individuals children, grandpa/ma partial fasting or abstinence and short prayer. If possible do this daily if you can God bless the Philippines . PRAYER Dearest Father God We ask for your forgiveness We are truly sorry to have offended you by 1. graft and corruption so rampant in our country, by our 2.Indifference, apathy and unconcerned by our 3.sin of commission of immorality, dishonesty and most specially of pride By our 4.sin of omission of charity, of devotion and prayer. We cry unto thee for mercy and grace We beg You For Your love, For Your kindness, For Your goodness, In Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen. We promise to spread and proclaim The Gospel of Grace Of our Lord Jesus with our and Relatives and friends, 2.Barangay and 3. in the workplace, 4.Cities and Provinces, 5.ASEAN Countries. 6.The rest of Asia, 7.the Middle East 8.Throughout the world by the power of the Holy Spirit We pray. Amen. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 THE NEXT TWO YEARS EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT You know I love you Philippines I want you to pray, the next two years, the Lord is showing me, are going to be extremely significant for the Philippines . Youre kind of on the cusp of re-civilization, I want to say that you are going into greatness, its going to transform the nation, or I see that theres going to be some troubled times. So PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! I know youre already praying, but this is the time GOD IS GOING TO PULL DOWN THE SPIRIT OF CORRUPTION, and God is going to release the Spirit of truth and righteousness into this nation, because Righteousness exalts a nation. The Lord is giving MANY PROMISES FOR THE PHILIPPINES. I mean the Philippines is going to be 1. ONE OF THE WEALTHIEST NATIONS on the earth. You know I prophesied that 2. therell be oil found off the coasts of the Philippines, and 3. theres much more to be found, theres gold, the treasures of darkness are there. I remember prophesying in Baguio City that theres going to be treasures of darkness, and it has not been found, they were saved for the Body of Christ. And remember, they found this treasure the Japanese had buried them on the ground after World War II. That was a sign. What does God mean to do? The SPIRIT OF POVERTY WILL BE BROKEN. I want to say to you, mothers will be able to feed their children, there is going to be a system put in place. FOR MINDANAO Even in Mindanao, you know, Ive prophesied over Mindanao, and I want to say to you again Mindanao, Arise, you are the blue-flamed warriors that I talked about, warriors of fire, warriors that God is going to bring with HOLINESS, and its going to happen. I just see literally THOUSANDS OF MISSIONARIES going out of Mindanao , thousands, thousands. I mean to Cambodia , Vietnam , Laos , Bangladesh , even to India , Central Asia -- Kyrgystan , Kazakhstan . The Lord says, Im a just God, those places where darkness has tried to grip, where it seems theres been so much desolation, so much poverty, so much sorrow. The Lord says, I, the Lion of Judah , am going to rise in those darkest places, and bring justice, and the people who were set in darkness will see a great light. But not only see a great light, but be LIGHT-BEARERS to the ends of the earth, says the Lord. (In view of fighting going on in Mindanao right now) I did not know there was fighting going on in Mindanao right now. I want to say, Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. You might say like Jeremiah thought in the Book of Lamentations, God, Youve abandoned us, where are you? But the Lord say, Do not lose hope and do not lose heart, because the Lord says Mindanao will be transformed. Satan is making a last great stand. Satan has come down with great wrath because he knows his time is short in Mindanao . So RISE UP, even though, you know, its terrible, and everywhere you look around is devastation, Out of this darkness is going to come a TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT that will be shown and modeled around the world, says the Lord. NATIONAL FASTING FOR THE COMING ELECTIONS You know, the Lord shows me, over the Philippines there is a PRINCIPALITY OF CORRUPTION, and this corruption has been so systemic, and so deep, and this principality thinks it controls the Philippines . But the Lord is showing me that there will be a NATIONAL FAST, PRAYING-- everyone, the north, the south, the east and the west, the whole church, not part of the church, STANDING UP and FASTING and PRAYING. There should not be a day that there isnt fasting going on for the Philippines . And I am calling you, wherever you are, whoever is hearing my voice, whatever pastor is hearing my voice, whatever youth movement, the Lord is saying, LOVE YOUR NATION. This is a strategic nation. Fast for the elections coming up; cry out to God, that in the next election God is going to move in a massive way, the spirit of corruption will be broken. Listen, the last time I was in the Philippines , I prophesied that the fear of the Lord was going to come to the Philippines , and those who tried to participate in corruption I feared for their lives. After that, two of them died. God isnt just saying these things. He means them. You get your life right, and you have the fear of the Lord in your life. If you tried to corrupt, corrupt Gods nation, its going to be Acts 5 days of Ananias and Sapphira. GOD IS GETTING READY TO MOVE AND MARCH THROUGHOUT THE LAND God is getting ready to move and March throughout the land. Hes going to pull down one and Hes going to set up the other. No longer will His words be delayed over the Philippines. If you stand and pray and you believe, God, the Lion of Judah, is going to arise and shake His name over the nation, and Hes going to roar out of Zion , and the darkness will be dispelled, says the Lord. !!! THIS IS THE PROPHECY FOR THE PHILIPPINES (Seeing the fulfillment already) The Lord would say to the Philippines— thus says the LORD--- I am shaking everything that can be shaken so that no man can glory in what I will do. For I have waited for a generation that I could raise up a purity and a holiness in. And I am raising up firebrands! 1. There is a forerunner anointing coming upon the youth of the Philippines that will prepare the way of the Lord, even into the Middle East . Look and see what I will do in Mindanao . For! Am going to visit in a way that you cannot imagine! I am coming to Mindanao , says the Lord, as God and the Lord of Hosts, and I am going to start appearing. As a sign that I am going to truly change the nation, 2. I am going to show myself to the guerilla leaders. I am going to come, says the Lord, and I am going to begin at the places in the Philippines that have been the bloodiest; the places where the guerillas insurrection have been the strongest. And I am going to come with signs and wonders and miracles! I am getting ready to pour out a miracle anointing upon the Philippines such as the earth has never seen! For Indonesia , they had a mighty rushing wind 3. But in the Philippines they will have the fire from heaven that will begin to fall! And this will be a purging fire! And I will say, I will visit even as if in a day, says God. Do not think that I am not able to come in a day and begin to unravel the iniquities of the nation, says the Lord! 4. I am going to visit the military. I am getting ready to come among the young in the military. And the Lord says theres going to be a revolution of righteousness that comes within the military. Im getting ready to dethrone everything that needs to be dethroned, for even the bowls of heaven are full. Oh, I see the bowls in heaven are just getting ready to be tipped over the Philippines and I am going to spill out my glory! And the Lord says 5. I will remove the shame that Satan has tried to put upon this nation! And the Lord says, look and see, for even the blood of the martyrs cries out from Saudi Arabia ! The blood of the martyrs cries out from those Islamic nations, and my Filipino people that have laid their lives down. Do not think I havent seen it! Do not think I am looking away! Do not think I do not see you! Do not think I do not see you, Philippines , for I see you! You are the apple of my eye! You are a treasure unto me! This is the day and this is the hour when I begin to change everything, says the Lord! 6. Im going to change the judicial system. Im going to dethrone corrupt judges. 7. Im getting ready to deal with the police force. Im going to expose, expose, expose, expose! 8. And the Lord says, look and see what I will do! For I will open up my treasure chest from the Philippines ! And I am going to release finances from the Philippines that will surprise and shake even Hong Kong ! For I am getting ready to make a distribution of wealth, says God. And I am getting ready to open the oil! I am getting ready to open that which is in the ocean! Im getting ready to bring forth a revolution even in the economic systems, in the finance systems! Look to the universities in Manila , says God, for 9. I am going to bring a revival that the—Oh my Lord!—the Lord says, not hundreds but thousands and thousands and thousands are going to get saved!! The Lord says can I touch a whole university? Yes I can touch a whole university! I can come with my glory and I can come with my power in ways that you cannot imagine! For I am coming, I am coming and will be with you, says the Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 14:19:11 +0000

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