PROPHETIC QUESTIONS "QUESTIONS THAT GOD HAS ASKED ME" By Moses Hightower SUNRISE MANNA: THEME – “PRAYER” (Continued) * I have come to make you a better person. Let this day be the first day of a brand new life of prayer. I have said, “Pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon the earth.” 247. How many people would be counted worthy today to escape the things that are coming upon the earth? 248. Would you escape the things that are coming upon the earth? * I summoned you to prayer. Count it a privilege and an honor to be called to prayer. Many do not hear the call to prayer. Do not allow the spirit of busyness to dominant your life so that you do not have time for prayer. I pulled you aside to converse with me. 249. What does it mean to you to have the King of kings summon you to come into his presence? 250. Why be afraid of the curses of evil spirits when the God of the entire universe has blessed you with access unto himself? * As long as you walk by faith, righteousness is imputed unto you; therefore, your effectual, fervent prayers avail much. I have done great things in your life. You have not perceived them correctly. You have allowed hurts, rejections, and other voices to speak to you and give you wrong perceptions of what is happening in your life. Hurts are not negatives. Rejections are not harmful. Alienation should not depress you. Lies should not cause you to be cynical. 251. If you distrust everyone because of the bad things that happen to you, are you walking by faith or by feelings? * There is a deep hole dug before your feet. Worry not about it. Simply yield to me as a child, and trust my wisdom and my providence for you. Earthly maturity will not suffice in this journey through spirit-made pits. I have not planned a pit as a dwelling place for you but devils have. I have shined the light of revelation in your path. Now walk in the light of righteousness and confidence in me. Listen not to the applause of man, for it is deceptive. It is simply reaching for the pride within you. In your flesh, there is the pride of life. It desires to express itself through you. Allow it not to express itself, but yield to me by allowing the power of silence and the power of prayer to work for you, and you shall see the great victory that I will manifest. I have not relinquished you to yourself, nor to the will of your enemies. I have invested much in you, and I will protect you from all harm. 252. Who is it that will harm you if you continue to follow that which is good? (To Be Continued)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:14:17 +0000

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