PSALM 1:1-4,6. Do u want to know Gods presence & power in your - TopicsExpress


PSALM 1:1-4,6. Do u want to know Gods presence & power in your life? Then follow the psalmists advice and plant yourself by d river of his grace. How do you picture this river? Does it trickle down a mountain like a small stream? Or does it rush forth,fresh & teeming with life? Nothing holds this river back as it springs from the very heart of God. God wants us to be like a tree planted right next to this river. Instinctively, the trees roots go as deep as necessary to receive water. Similarly,God invites us to become firmly rooted in his life by letting him influence every dimension of our lives: our work,our family,our finances,even our leisure time.He promises that as we root ourselves in him,he will not hold back a single drop from us. Isnt it funny that we often come to God with a small tin cup,asking for a drink,when all the time there is a powerful waterfall right in our midst? We should never underestimate how much God wants to do in us. He loves us all with an everlasting love,& he will always remain faithful to us. God longs to strengthen us to choose his ways & be obedient to him. Every time we obey his word,ask for his help,or turn to him in worship,we open ourselves to his water of life.God is not calling us jus to try hard to be good although there are plenty of times when we must exert all our efforts to remain obedient. The miracle of d gospel ist that in addition to our hard work, God wants to work in us.Remaining in his presence allows his river to erode our old ways of thinking and living. It will allow him to point out areas where we are not choosing him & help us make the necessary changes.Every day, we face numerous choices: Will we obey God,or will we go our own way? And,everyday, God offers us his grace to empower us beyon our human limitations. Lets stay rooted by his river. It means nothing less than life for us! PRAYER: Jesus, i want to be immersed in ur river today. I want d water of ur love,ur grace,& ur power to flow in me.GUDMORN
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:31:24 +0000

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