Pakistan-India:- relations mainly depends on progress on - TopicsExpress


Pakistan-India:- relations mainly depends on progress on resolution of Kashmir dispute. This hypothesis is amply supported by a number of historical facts. For example, the bilateral process of resolution of disputes established as a result of Simla Agreement, signed in 1972, has not worked well during last 42 years, primarily due to India’s non willingness to discuss Kashmir dispute. This long impasse ultimately resulted into frustration of people of Kashmir who started their freedom struggle in 1989. The situation further lead to Kargil war fought in 1999. The process of composite dialogue established in 2003 has also not progressed due to India still dragging its feet on discussing Kashmir dispute. The uncertain political environment between Pakistan and India has resulted into recent cease fire violations on the line of control (LOC). These violations have been initiated by India to scuttle Pakistani efforts of arranging a meeting between two prime ministers on the side lines of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in September 2013. The continuing LOC violations by India for last many days despite Pakistan’s emphasis to stop those is a clear proof of Indian politics of always scuttling or delaying the scheduled or likely talks by creating tensions with Pakistan. Despite last 42 years prolonged and intermittent bilateral parlays and structured composite dialogue initiated since 2003, no discussion on Kashmir dispute and non resolution of any other dispute only indicate India’s non serious attitude on resolving disputes with Pakistan. This Indian strategy also highlights the fact that India is not only using delaying tactics on Kashmir dispute, it is also scuttling all Pakistani efforts of focusing on resolution of Kashmir dispute through bilateral talks by creating and using LOC incidents as spoilers of the peace environment. This all indicates that India is pressuring Pakistan to forego its principled position on Kashmir [based on United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions of 1948] and other disputes in its favour by accepting its hegemony in South Asia and that only then it is willing to enlarge bilateral relations with Pakistan. To compel Pakistan to accept its terms India is also engaged in isolating and encircling Pakistan diplomatically and militarily in the region by using its increasing influence in Afghanistan. Under the cover of assisting Afghanistan in economic and social development India has also placed its intelligence apparatus there in its excessive counsulates along Pakistan’s western border who are aiding separatists to destabilize Balochistan. In this regard President Karzai does not pay any heed to Pakistan’s requests that he should not allow India to use Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan’s internal peace. This is despite the fact that sufficient evidence of India using Afghan soil to destabilize Balochistan is available. As part of this evidence, through their statements even US officials have cautioned Afghanistan, India and the world on India using Afghan soil to destabilize western provinces of Pakistan. In this regard, apart from an earlier statement of Chuch Hagel saying that "India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan" in Afghanistan, said Mr Hagel in a 2011 speech at the previously little-known foreign policy seed-bed of Oklahoma University, in a recent statement Mr Dhilon, White House spokesman stated that Pakistan’s apprehensions of India using Afghan soil to destabilize parts of Pakistan are not totally groundless. To seek Afghanistan government’s support on the issue India has already signed an agreement of strategic partnership with Afghanistan and it is already training its army and police personnel in India. And, as stated by Karzai recently during his India visit, India will soon be training Afghanistan National Army and Police in Afghanistan. Apart from destabilizing Pakistan using Afghan soil India is also making efforts to antagonize Central Asian states against Pakistan by propagating that Pakistan is a source of destabilizing Central Asia. In this context, a conference held by IDSA in New Delhi, in 2006 Indian scholars propagated in front of Central Asian participants of the conference by stating that Pakistan was a source of destabilization for Central Asian states.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 02:18:58 +0000

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