Paris Attack, Sign of Growing Religious Fascism Its a great - TopicsExpress


Paris Attack, Sign of Growing Religious Fascism Its a great shame and barbaric act that occurred in Paris on Jan 7th. Nothing worst than this can happen on first week of a new year. Shooting at Charlie Hebdo has resulted death of 20 people. Attack is considered to be the deadliest in France since 1961. Charlie Hebdo is a satirical weekly newspaper that features cartoons, reports and jokes based on developments across globe. Charlies Hebdo is a champion newspaper which mocks far right ideologies of political and religious groups. Its a group which has high secularists credentials like French society itself and criticizes right wing policies of Catholicism, Islam, Israel politics and any other related events. By this act one is forced to reckon that new age fascism is growing amongst us which can be termed as religious fascism. Fascism is something which tore apart Europe and found its different manifestations and effects through out the world in 20th century. But one good thing about 20th century Fascism was that we knew who the enemy was but Fascism of 21st century is totally different because you never know among our friends, colleagues, relatives, strangers, fellow commuters who is a friend and who is foe. Other way to put religious fascism, its the best form of Globalization - you can find it almost everywhere in world without any restrictions and sarcastically put religious fascism is as dangerous as globalization!!. You may find it in remotest terrain of Afghanistan, Spiritual world of India, at Gaza strip, posh neighborhood of Manhattan, even in communist China (its like dark humor) and now in Paris. And if one analyse it deeply it was invented by Capitalism or rather by America itself to counter Soviet Union (lets not go to the history how religion played to spread capitalism across world) and just as saying goes Snake bit on the same hands which gave milk by 9/11 terrorist attack. But today that snake is not only biting the hand which gave milk but also has encouraged and helped many other snakes to bite everyone in that village. I am not planning to go into that part in this post but it is a necessity to mention America when we talk about religious fascism. Coming back to incident of Paris, one become astonished by thinking whats the Law under which we live. By rise of religious fascism one gets a notion that no matter even if you are living abiding the law of the land where you live, if you are not abiding the law of any religion present anywhere, you and your loved ones life is in threat. France is considered to be a country where religious tolerance is one among highest in world. Citizens of France identifies themselves based on nationality and not on religion. The echoes, morales and values of French Revolution can still be found in its society even after three centuries. French Revolution saw a radical shift in the status of Catholic church which led to the de-christinization of society and finally resulted of seperation of Churches and State by a law in 1905. This shows largely the maturity of French society which considers religion is strictly personal stuff and has no implications whatsoever in society or matters of policies of state. This should be an example to the world especially to the Third World, where still society is under clutches of religious dogmatism, arrogance, cruelty resulting backwardness and rising inequality and fundamentalism. By the year 2004, France had enacted a law banning wearing of religious symbols in schools or any other religious symbol such as large Christian crosses, Sikh turbans and Muslim headscarves or veil. By 2011 France came up with the new law to ban all kind of face covering in public spaces. Burqa or veil which Muslim Women wear to cover their faces were banned. But Veils such as chador, scarf and other headgear which dont cover face are permissible. This law was applicable to men and non muslims. This was the epitome of socialist credentials which France has always thrived for to build a society where human beings are equal and secular and thus resulting a humanistic and modern society. Many Muslim organisations including Muslim men and women came to streets of France to object. Many religious leaders sitting in god forsaken mountains and villages started to issue fatwas. 5 to 6 million Muslims are estimated to live in France. Out of this population both men and women enjoy a better life, better future, rights than any of the Muslim World. And no one stopped them to follow their religion or stopped them to go to mosque or build a mosque but only enacted a law effecting every religion equally. There was no absolute question of discrimination of any kind towards that particular community. If we talk about some of the muslim countries, what freedom does a non muslim enjoy in their country. In countries like Saudi Arabia, its not permitted to build any kind of non muslim worship places like church, temples or gurudwaras. Leave that even one is not allowed to take any kind of non muslim religious books like Bible or Bhagwat Geeta. If they find you with one, be ready for lashes!!. In neighboring Arab countries like Qatar, Oman, Dubai one can build Churches or Temples but none of its religious signs or anything should be visible outside. It should more like a auditorium or a closed structure. Lets not talk about the conditions in religious advanced countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq (all these countries are very close ally of America still they dont find much faults in this places). Its a shame that women who hit the streets of France forgot the conditions and apathy of women in their own countries where still women are stoned to death, where women are divorced in 5 seconds, where women is still considered as just things to just reproduce. In Saudi women are not allowed even to get a driving licence. Muslim Women who hit the streets of France forgot that if they had done the same in their religious advance countries, probably they might have become a distant memory among their loved ones !! The Right of Protest they were enjoying in France was a Utopian concept or a luxury even for men in certain Muslim countries. They also forgot that it is European countries which was build on socialistic foundations like France, Sweden who criticizes Israel and their actions in Gaza strip more than Muslim counter parts. After Paris attack, its a good to thing to see many Muslim religious leaders condemning the act. Muslim Leaders from America to France everyone said in one voice its a blot to the humanity and is not something which Muslim preaches. But i hope these religious communities cooperate with countries like France, when they are tying to bring a equality. They should promote and work together to make society more secular. Its a known fact that immigrants enjoy better living conditions and opportunities in European countries like France than even US. So why not cooperate with them. By this Muslim communities in European countries can become a example to their own countries and people.So that they can think, revolt to bring a similar change and make their society more humanistic and modern. Someone of their own people has to show them some examples after all. If there is any single major reason for backwardness and less progress in Muslim countries and third world countries, its because they still live in clutches of religious fundamentalism. Until and unless they can break that, they gonna remain same. Arab spring which happened in Tunisia is a classic example. People of Tunisia took to the streets and fought against system. That revolution helped them to change the government and now they have a liberal, secular ideology based government. Its true to certain level that no religious foundations is built on hatred and violence. Often its the religious leaders who does it for accumulation of power and wealth in fewer hands, apparently its the same definition for capitalism given by Marx!!(which make one to believe Capitalism & Religion are exploiting Cousins). Marx said Religion is opium of masses which is critically true but as i am not intellectual or has his ability of critic, i would say its the religious and political leaders who cultivates opium out of the land of religion. But if people will stop believing blindly and have a quest to question the old beliefs and add bit of humanism and socialism into religion there are possibility that they can cultivate lilys and roses out of the land of religion. Growth of Right Wing ideology based on religion is on a rise across the globe, especially in Third World. Emergence of IS has become headache to every one and have once again successfully made Arab lands a killing field. Jewish right wing leaders are on a blood thirst mode in Gaza strip. A British women was murdered in Iran watching a Volleyball match ? gosh that sounds insane, are Iranian leaders on weeds ? The condition of minorities especially Hindus and Christians in Pakistan is deteriorating every day. They are killed even if they ask any basic amenities from authorities.The savage act of killing almost 140 school children and staff in a Pakistan school by Taliban is taste of a reality to Pakistan who have been supporting and nourishing terrorism against India and Afghanistan. Rise of right wing party in India backed by RSS (a hindu fundamentalist organisation) and their policies are matter of concern especially after religious riots occurred in Muzaffarnagar (State of UP) and Trilokpuri (New Delhi). The emergence of Buddhist Right Wing organisations in Sri Lanka has lead to deaths of many muslims under the flagship of Bodu Bela Sena. Buddhist Right Wing unleashed similar heinous attacks in Myanmar also. We also remember the hostage and killings happened in Nigeria and emergence of Boko Haram forces in Nigeria which is reported to killed almost 2000 people in northern nigerian villages on 11/1/15. Boko Haram is considered to be next IS. Biggest of all surprises is march of ultra nationalist Neo Nazi supportive party Svoboda in Ukraines capital on January 1/15 at Kiev with Nazi uniform and Flags which has send shock waves among Jews and European countries. One can watch the video in after mentioned link. https://youtube/watch?v=dKMzwHzRps . Why is this happening ? why sudden emergence of Fascism? why sudden emergence of religious Fascism. Answer can be read between the lines of what Marx has said. The ideas of the ruling class are in every age, the ruling ideas, the class which is the dominant material force in society is at the sametime its dominant intellectual.. I am sure by reading above mentioned quote itself one can get fair idea whats happening around. All those countries where religious fascism is rising, its the religious fundamentalist or political parties leaned towards right wing ideology or backed by religious organisations who are the ruling class. So its they who directly and indirectly, publicly and secretively who unleashes religious doctrines and fundamentalism to the society for upholding their power. So by doing that the intellectual maturity of that particular society fully rests at the hands of ruling class.Religion and Ethnic pride are the two easiest things to camouflage the masses to gain power thus resulting Fascism. France brought law banning public showing of religious symbols in schools, French citizens didnt opposed it because they had the socio-political maturity to understand it. But can anyone imagine any third world country like India or Pakistan can bring such a law? it will be bloodshed in the streets. Total civil war. Because France society has a strong socialistic foundations they can accept it. The rise of religious fascism in world is due to the ruling class which has similar ideology. Until and Unless people of those countries realize that they have been fooled and camouflaged under religion for power and wealth and has to rise against such forces, religious Fascism is going to stay. As i said earlier 20th century Fascism could be defeated as there was a enemy in front, dictator like Hitler or Mussolini. So certain countries came together and fought them and defeated them. In religious fascist countries, even if you defeat or kill a leader it will not result defeat of fascism. It may lie low for some time but again new leader will emerge from ashes and will use the same ideology (religious or ethnic fascism) which pretty much still exists in the society so again he becomes a Fascist leader. US killed Saddam, did religious fascism end in Iraq? US killed Laden, did religious fascism end? US killed Gaddafi, did religious fascisam end? new entry of IS and likes of Boko Haram . People of India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar should be vary and careful about the rise of RSS and Bodu Bela Sena and other Buddhist Right wing ideology. Threat in countries like India, Lanka and Myanmar is more severe. In these countries emergence of religious fascism of majority will lead to emergence of religious fascism of minority which will result to discriminations, brutal riots, killings. Emergence of religious fascism in this countries is a proving fact that fascism is not only limited to any particular religion. Its the stone age theory of eye for an eye phenomenon which will result in this countries by the emergence of religious Fascism. Its a mere deception when people think, by the rise of their own religious or ethnic fascist group, their group or community is going to be benefited and other groups gonna end. End result will be the end of both groups or communities. What benefit did Germany got after rise of Nazism. Hitler said Aryan domination and glory is going to come, we are going to be rulers of world. German people was caught in his deception and Hitler used it to spread and enjoy his and his parties power resulting at the end catastrophe for Germany and its people. People of third world especially matured countries like India which has strong secular, democratic and plural credentials should not become prey of deception politics practiced by pseudo nationalists. Because history keeps on repeating and history can be used as an important tool to make our future better. We should not continue to repeat the mistakes of the past, otherwise the result gonna be disastrous. May be we will get escaped but our future generations will have to suffer.So people of these societies has to rise against religious fascism and rebel against religious fundamentalism to free their societies from the clutches of religion and dogmatism. Political, legal, philosophical and artistic development all depend upon on the economic. But they all react upon one another and upon the economic base. Marx here tries to say all developments in society is due to the economic condition. This theory, many agree and many not. Situation may differ to an certain extent in developed world but in developing world it is more or less a bulls eye. Political, philosophical and artistic advancements made in Europe is not same in Third World. In France, art,literature and philosophy has played a major role to shape the society. It flourished to new heights during and aftermath of French Revolution. Before French revolution, French society was under Church and feudalism making it same as a dogmatic and exploitative kind of system of third world. Freedom of speech and expression was low and it had to strictly adhere to the Roman Church. Even the land of farmers was under Church. But it was after French Revolution the scenario changed and we can see how forward thinking and dynamic is French society now. Socialistic values help a society to re claim economic and social freedom. Existence of Newspaper like Charlie Hebdo itself is classic example of it. Can such a media publishing house exist in country like India or Arab world? Writer Salman Rushidi has to leave India for writing a book Satanic Verses, Painter MF Hussain has to leave India for a controversial painting of a Hindu God. In India even movies are banned or stopped in between if it has any kind of healthy criticism or scenes against Religion. Movie called Viswaroopam by Kamalhassan was banned after protest from Muslim radicals, Movie called PK which tries to educate people not to believe in fake god men and superstitions is currently facing heat from Hindu radical groups like RSS, VHP. In Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries there is no freedom of speech or expression whatsoever. Why is more and more Muslim youngsters joining terrorist organisations from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Nigeria? its because they dont have any proper education and employment opportunities. Economy in these countries is pathetic. There is no proper industrial or manufacturing economy. People still find incomes through traditional ways of agriculture and husbandry. This makes frustrated youth to join in religious fanatic organisations. Freedom of speech, expression scores low in these countries. So there is no development of philosophical, artistic, political or path breaking literature to motivate youth or masses. Its like a closed society which only runs based on some bizarre and absurd religious ideologies. Countries where there is proper education and employment opportunities, youth are less prone to terrorist or religious fanatic activities. So once the economic conditions grow in this countries, equality is restored, people will be more concentrated to make their life better with given opportunities. They would less care about religious fanatics resulting decline of religious fascism. India is a striking example among third world. Its the biggest democracy of the world and since Independence in 1947, every time government was elected through general elections (1971 was the only year and incident when there was an Emergency). Statistics is very encouraging and stands out when compared to Pakistan and other contemporaries in Third World where repeatedly democracy takes a beating by coming of Dictatorship governments. Even though its society is under grips of Religious fanatics of both Hindu and Muslim religion, still situation is not that worse compared to other countries of third world. Its because economic conditions are better compared to other countries of Third World. Its foundation is build on strong secular, plural and socialist values. Event though Left is on decline now, still it has enough firepower to question and stop spreading of right wing ideology. More important still its not easy to lure people or youth towards violence and killings no matter even if it based on religious or political Fascism. Southern most state of India, Kerala is an example with in India itself. It has highest equality in economic and social structure. It is worth to note that people of Kerala elected first democratic Communist government of world in 1957. People enjoy more freedom and less religious fundamentalism compared to other states in India. Kerala was the first state in India which became 100% literate. Because of strong socialistic values and strong Left governments inequality among masses is lowest in India. No religious riots, caste based crimes are seen. Women enjoy more freedom and social status than rest of India. I am not painting a fairy tale picture of Kerala, there are many challenges in its society now, even in Kerala also certain religious groups are trying to show their teeth but still compared to other states of India, Kerala scores better in equality in economic conditions (Kerala is not richest state in GDP but the difference between rich and poor is less). Thus Keralas Art, Literature, Cinema political philosophy played a vital and critical role in shaping of society. They had more freedom to do it. This proves Marx theory that its the economic conditions which shape a society over all. Its the growing economy which helps people and society to build a modern society. So we can sum up states and Countries where there is better economic condition and better socialistic values social evils will be less. That society will have more social and secular credentials. Freedom of speech and expression will be more. By applying blind capitalist economic policies in these countries by the backing of US, situation is becoming more worse. Rise of right wing ideology in India is also because of strong backing and funding of Capitalist and Corporates. Labour class, Farmers are already feeling the pain because of governments unprecedented support to big corporate houses who in the name of development is exploiting the masses. Inequality in these countries are rising day by day. Another connection we can see is that generally capitalism encourage any kind of fascism. They apply the strategy of fishing in troubled water making situation more grim. If third world countries has to come out of the vicious circle of economic backwardness and fascism, only solution is to bring a socialistic revolution or reforms in their countries. And also US should stop funding such fascist organisations and also stop adopting partial and selfish economic policies which make these religious fascists to become more stronger. How did IS emerge? because US supporting Iragi government was exploiting and discriminating particular section of society which ultimately gave its leader morale ground to claim power using religious fundamentalist tactics. How did Taliban rose? US funded them. Why is Israel continuing onslaught in Palestine? because US supports it. Why Pakistan has become epicenter of terrorism? because US is supporting and funding Pakistan govt who use all the fund to raise terrorist activities against India and world. To end whole discussion, its time people to sit and think seriously about religious, social and economic conditions prevailing in their societies and should realize that any society has grown, developed once they have come out of the clutches of religion and religious Fascism. Situation of Europe was pretty much same like in Third world now. European society was under the clutches of Church, Feudalism, only after the socialist revolution and reforms they could modernize the society. Later it also helped them to eradicate economic inequality aftermath of Industrial Revolution. Also Europe faced Fascism under emergence of Right Wing ideology which was also countered successfully with numerous ideological wars which they fought to stop creeping in of Fascist notions into their societies. To counter Religious and Political Fascism, Europe, US and Third World should consider doing these things. • Europe should go back to their basics and uphold socialist foundation and tradition more tightly in todays world to check rise of Fascism. • Third World should learn from Europe, especially from French Revolution and look into socialist ideology stronger than ever to counter rise of religious fascism and economic inequality. • Most important and less chance of success, US should stop their double standards and new form of Imperialist, Capitalist and exploitative economic policies. Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction Leon Trotsky
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 16:55:38 +0000

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