Part 2 of the ORGY being formed As always, enjoy and please - TopicsExpress


Part 2 of the ORGY being formed As always, enjoy and please forgive any inconsistencies and grammatical errors Casting: Dungeon Master - Dennis Lai Bard - Rattlelance (Half-Elf Male) Druid - Fayth Oakheart (Half-Elf Female) Fighter - Keltan Fury (Human) Rogue - Zuk (Gnome) Warlock - Fizzbit Labrocket (Gnome) Wizard - Frost (Human) Setting: Faerun 1388 DR, eve of Spell Plague ---------------- From the Journal of Fayth Oakheart, definitely not an inexperienced young Half Elf fan-girl 1st Sept 2014 Part 2: The Bard, the Harper, and the TavernKeeper The tavern is really quiet in the day time, and I don’t mean peaceful quiet, but boring quiet. I wish I had contacts for information in this city like all the rest do, but I suppose it can’t be helped given I’ve been staying in solitude out in the forest. I thought of going with Zuk, but he says a Druid hanging around might hamper his search for information, so now I’m stuck with Rattlelance. Rattlelance tried to ask the bartender if he has heard anything about the slavers in the sewers, but all he could talk about was scary insects and alligators down there. I mean, yes I am a girl, but can’t he see my snakeskin belt and boots? I’m a Druid for Malar’s sake! Oh well, I suppose I should get out of my comfort zone and start making contacts now, there’s an elf in the corner, maybe he has something to tell me. What was it that Zuk said? “Drink makes for loose tongues and looser purse strings”? I don’t have any ideas, so can’t hurt to give it a try, and I still have leftover gold from Tymora’s *ahem* “blessings”. I decide to buy 2 goblets of elvish wine from the Tavernkeeper who tells me it’s the best elvish wine from the South, not that I would know. As an afterthought, I flip a third gold piece to the Tavernkeeper for another goblet for Rattlelance, we ARE in the same party now and I really should try and get to know him better, plus he’s a half elf like me. I walk over and give what I hope is a charming smile, “Good day Sir Elf, may I share a drink with you?” all the while scanning for clues of his background. Hmmm, sturdy boots and an oiled cloak to keep the rain out, both showing some signs of wear but of excellent quality. A traveler then. “You’re a bit young to be drinking aren’t you, child?”. Oh right, he’s an Elf, he WOULD think I’m a child wouldn’t he? Time to improvise. “Um..I’m Fayth, and you are?” “Someone unknown to you who wishes to remain that way”. Drats! What would Zuk do? Umm, maybe play on his sympathies? “Oh… that’s a shame, I’ve never known my parents and I was hoping you could tell me more of my elvish heritage”. The elf just stares at me with a raised eyebrow, clearly not intending to say more. Just as I’m getting flustered, the Tavernkeeper walks over with our drinks and Zuk and the rest of the party return. I’d better go, “To Elves then!” I grab my cup hastily and offer a toast. “To Elves” he smiles patronizingly and clinks a goblet to mine. As he raises his hand, his cloak shifts, is that a silver harp shaped pin under his cloak? Before I can think further, the taste of the wine hits my senses… “This has human blood in it!!!” The Tavernkeeper rushes over attempting to deny everything, but I know what I tasted. Luckily Kelten believes me and demands the Tavernkeeper explain himself. With all of us looking at him, he takes us behind the bar and shows us his stock. Ugh, I drank something that had a human hand floating in it! And… another signet ring from Baldur’s gate? Each cask we open reveals more dismembered body parts. Frost glances at the Tavernkeeper, magefire softly flickering into her upraised palm, and says just one word, “Talk”. Scary, I don’t wanna get on the wrong side of that one. The Tavernkeeper gulps and reveals that he had been offered Elvish wine at cheap prices from a person named Laura. Rattlelance seems to know someone by that name and we decide to investigate that after the sewers. Just then, the Elf clears his throat from behind us, I almost forgot he was still around. “I couldn’t help but overhear your intention to investigate the sewers, could you use another adventurer in-?” I see Zuk and Fizzbit’s eyes narrow in suspicion and cut him off, “Nope, no way, we don’t know you or your intentions”. The elf smiles apologetically and shows the silver pin under his cloak, “I apologize for my earlier secrecy, I’m Wayne of the Harpers and I’m here to investigate the mysterious going ons in the sewers” At that Frost’s eyes narrow appraisingly, I’m beginning to think that girl checks everyone out for magic items! Her eyes widen in slight surprise, guess he’s the real deal. “We’ve been tasked by the High Priestess of Mystra to put a stop to the slaver activities in the sewers, our quests and this tampered wine may indeed be related,” Kelten muses, “We could use another warrior on this quest”. I give an outward huff, “Just make sure you don’t get in our way”. Wow! An actual Harper!!!And he’s joining us!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:12:04 +0000

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