Part 63: {Suhaila} Today is officially back to school! I cant - TopicsExpress


Part 63: {Suhaila} Today is officially back to school! I cant believe that Husna is going to Grade 3, and Bilal officially starts Grade R. It seems like just yesterday they were tiny babies I was holding in my arms. You always hear people say how quickly time flies when you have children, but you never quite understand it until one moment you blink and it seems like your kids have grown up without you noticing. Last night, they were both so cute. They got their new uniforms out, their new backpacks, and even lined up their juice bottles and lunchtins on the kitchen counter. Since the accident and the big reveal about my true identity, Ive decided to actively and conciously, make shukr for every little blessing. Even though Ismails new business is nowhere close to what the old business was, we still didnt have to over budget and count the cents when it came to school shopping. I mean I did try to window shop a bit, and see who had better specials and stuff, but its not like I was ever worried about whether we would be able to afford it or not. And my lovely mil decided a long time ago, that at the beginning of every school year, shes the one who buys the schoolbags for all her grandkids, and she pays such attention to detail. She knows exactly who likes what colour, what cartoon character ect and gets them just that. More than it being just one more thing for me to scratch off the list, its really the small gestures that mean so much. She got Husna a very cool blue backpack with an ocean design on it. She knows that anything to do with the beach would my girly happy. And for Bilal a Ninja Turtles backpack. Since Azra took him and her boys to that show, its all he talks about...Ninja turtles this, ninja turtles that!!! I still have this incredible fear of driving, so Ismails taking us all to school, and then hell bring me back home before he goes to work. We decided to leave Imaan with Lizzy. You know babies really are resilient! Except for a few small scars that are getting lighter everyday, Imaan seems completely back to normal. Shes started speaking a lot more as well. But ya, we on the way to school now, and Isi is giving the kids his usual morning talk... Remember your manners, speak nicely to your friends, no hitting, and be respectful to your teachers ok? But...but... What if my teacher shouts me? Asks Bilal. She wont shout says Husna. Teachers only shout if you naughty, so dont be naughty, then she wont shout, see? Ah, big sisters! We get to school, go see Husnas class and teacher first, and then let her be. Shes so excited to see her friends and theyre already chatting and screeching away about holidays and new haircuts! :D Then we go to Bilals class. I can see his nervous, and that suddenly makes me nervous. Hes trying so hard to be brave. His teacher is very friendly, shows him his seat, takes a family photograph of us, and then leaves to greet other parents. Bilal is trying to smile, but softly whispers Can you wait little bit more please? Ismail smiles at me, and then sits next to our boy on those tiny chairs. I notice a familiar face, and my spirits are suddenly lifted. Its a mom I know from madressa. It seems her little boy is also in the same class. I point this out to Bilal, and he eases up. The teacher smiles and gently nods her head towards the door, we get up, give him a big hug, remind him that Husna is just a few doors away and leave. As we get into the car I say Gosh, this parenting thing is hard. Did you see how scared he was? Ismail smiles and says Yep, but Im glad I get to do this parenting thing with you. What do you say, we go have a quick breakfast somewhere before I have to go back to work? I would love that! Itll keep my mind off Bilal for a bit... Dont worry about him. Youll see, hell be home with a hundred stories tonight
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:59:14 +0000

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