Pastor How to know if a dream is from God or from another - TopicsExpress


Pastor How to know if a dream is from God or from another source Posted by Pastor Dunamis Tunde Okunowo Yesterday, I mentioned that dreams come from three sources. 1.From God 2.From the devil 3.From you So, the question is how do you know if the dream is from God or from another source? 1. If a dream is from God, it will not contradict God’s word. This is number one acid test. God will never at any point in time contradict His word. Everything God does is as a result of His word and He does nothing apart from His word. The word of God is endless. 1Pe 1:25 MSG Gods Word goes on and on forever. This is the Word that conceived the new life in you. For example, you had a dream where someone tells you that you should join a cult where everything done is anti-God. Could that be God? No. Or you had a dream that your prosperity lies in falsifying a document. That is not from God because He will never lead you into sin. Pro 12:22 KJV Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight. The Holy Spirit, in speaking to you through a dream will not contradict God’s word. Joh 16:13 KJV Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. The moment that dream contradicts His word; throw the dream away so that you will not attract the spirit of error. God will not tell you to go marry an unbeliever. He will not tell you to go and sleep with a pastor in order to get deliverance. He will not tell you to go into money laundering. He will not tell you to go into fraud and so on. 2. If a dream is from God, it will not bring fear and trepidation. You see, even when the dream is a warning about an impending danger, it will not bring fear. Rather, it will bring you an urgency to pray with a deep assurance that there will be victory. God never uses fear to reach out to you. Fear has torment. 1Jn 4:18 KJV There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. He has not given us the spirit of fear. The moment you are always scared to go to bed at night because of the dreams you are going to have, just know that something is not quite right. A dream that landed you in a herbalist’s house as a result of fear is not from God. It is a ploy of the devil to introduce you to diabolic spirits. 3. A dream from God does not always have to come to pass, and that a dream came to pass does not mean it is from God. Read that statement again to see what I am trying to communicate. How do I mean? If the dream is a warning about an impending danger, and you prayed about it, then it will not come to pass because you have dealt with it. Conversely, if a dream comes from the devil and you embrace it, become fearful, you just empowered the devil and his cohorts to bring that dream to pass in your life. Whatever you fear becomes your experience. It is a spiritual principle. Even though the dream was from the devil and it was a false dream, but you became fearful, did not resist and reject it in the place of prayers, it would come to pass. That didn’t make the dream godly. So it is a fallacy to say, “But my dreams always come to pass, while you dont have a relationship with God. Job 3:25 KJV For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. 4. A dream from God often requires your input to come to pass especially if you have been shown something about your future. For example, God showed Joseph about his glorious future. If he had compromised with Portiphar’s wife, he may not have come to the realization of that dream despite that it is from God. Every dream from God most often requires our co-operation or action. You cannot start sleeping around because you have seen your greatness. A dream from God can turn to doom because of carelessness. You can ruin a genuine dream form God with disobedience to the principles of God. I would also like you to know that if don’t ever have dreams; it does not make you less spiritual. If you have a dream every hour, it also does not give you spiritual superiority over the one that does not. God chooses the ways he communicates and He will decide which way He will communicate you. Never seek dreams! If you are given to dreams and your dreams are being manipulated, how do you go about it? This is what we will see and some more things tomorrow. CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I have Gods Spirit and He speaks to me PRAYER FOR THE DAY Pray that God will help you to learn how to hear His voice everyday THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Joh 1:3 MSG Everything was created through him; nothing--not one thing!-- came into being without him. ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Read a book on How to hear God
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:26:32 +0000

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