Peace Be Within You Psalms 122:8 For the sake of my brethren - TopicsExpress


Peace Be Within You Psalms 122:8 For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, Peace be within you. 9 Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek your good. This Psalm has to do particularly with the holy city of Jerusalem, Gods chosen city in His chosen land. It does have application for us, though, especially since each of us, as believers, is now “the house of Yahweh,” the dwelling place of His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Peace was a specific promise by Yeshua, a gift He left for us (John 14:27). The Hebrew word “shalom” means much, much more than just the absence of conflict. It encompasses security, well-being, prosperity, health, favor, and wholeness. In other words, everything we associate with life in Christ is included. To the world, peace means that all of our external circumstances are good. If theyre not, if we face difficulties and conflicts, thee can be no peace. Like everything else we receive from God, though, His peace has nothing to do with what is happening around us. In the midst of the storms around us, He commands, “Peace, be still.” Though the mountains crumble into the sea, and the oceans seethe and rage, He still says, “Peace, be still.” When our faith is in Him, not in the fleeting security of the world, we can affirm with the hymn writer, “It is well with my soul.” When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. The apostle Paul certainly knew that kind of peace. He said that he had learned to be content (at peace) no matter what his circumstances were (Philippians 4:11-12). In that same letter, He tells us how to attain to that peace, through prayer with thanksgiving, laying all of our needs before God (Philippians 4:6-7). When that happens, we will not experience anxiety, the enemy and opposite of peace. When we focus on the winds and the waves of the storms around us, rather on the Master of the seas, we leave the dwelling place of peace. Jerusalem had the peace of God because it was His dwelling place; we will have that same peace as long as we give ourselves up to Him as His temple. Without Him, there is no peace. When we live, or abide, in Yeshua, we live in rest, and at peace. Prayer: Daddy God, because Your Spirit dwells within us, we are the dwelling place of Your Shalom, Your peace. We rejoice to know that our peace does not depend on the world around us, but solely on You, in Yeshua and through Your Holy Spirit. We celebrate Your presence in us, in Yeshuas name. Amen! Brenda K. Williams Teona de Villa-Clariz Lisa Gary Noomford Laura Woolford Connie Painter BartleyGlendia Thompson Helen Tucker Lidia Metuka Almajan Watkins Jan N Ted Siebert Judy Thompson Orville B Dave Michael Darrup Shantra Kumar Jeannie Davis Branham Jeannie White Nolan Paula Cole Betty Fox LeMasters Jennifer Anderson Williams Sue Willis Jimmy Soup Campbell Char Day Felicia Fee Harold Hawver Patty May Jane Wells Amos Ginger Branham Wright John Cavendish Scarlett McGraw Robin Main Robin May Kim Danny Pinson Deanna Miller Thuliswa Twiss Chipudhla Nathan B. Sarff Stephen Kungu
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 14:28:01 +0000

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