Peace Wednesday , March 5, 2014 . Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Wednesday , March 5, 2014 . Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM : Refusal to trust On the Right Person will create More What Your Losses In Trust the Deception Wrong Person . Mike Murdock Word of the Day : Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit If you love Me, keep My commandments . And I will ask the Father , and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever -the Spirit of truth. The world can not accept him , because it neither sees nor the . . know But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you in a little while the world will see me no more ; . . ll see you , but me because I live , you also will live that day realize that I am in my father, and you in me , and I in you . Whoever has my commandments and keeps them , he it is that loves me . He who loves me will be loved by my Father , and I too will love him and show myself to him . (John 14:15-21 ;) . 1 ) - Have I not commanded you Be strong and courageous , be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed : for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go ? . (Joshua 1:9 ) . REFLECTION : Never alone ! What promise . God will go with him , and us , through the seasons of life , through our ups and downs , through the temptations and victories , and even through death ( Psalm 139 ) . Then we can be brave and feel his strength . We are not alone ! 2 ) - The LORD is my shepherd , I shall not want He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters He restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for his names sake . . . (Psalm 23:1-3 ) . REFLECTION : Green pastures , still waters , refreshing to the soul as it sounds good , how good God is . When we got to the point that I could not continue , the supernatural power of God gives us the strength to continue . When we are in a tough fight , Gods grace reaches and sustains us to continue toward victory . ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** The Faithful Follower: But whosoever shall deny me before men , him I will also deny before my Father which is in heaven . ( Matthew 10:33) . Near the end of his life , the apostle Paul wrote to the young pastor Timothy : I have fought the good fight , I have finished the race , I have kept the faith ( 2 Timothy 4:7 ) . After a few lines , he referred to a man named Demas , who abandoned him having loved this present world , starting to Thessalonica ( 2 Timothy 4:10 ) . When it became difficult for Demas , he gave up. He declined to be a follower of Jesus . Perhaps for fear that it meant persecution . Jesus talked about the same dilemma in the Parable of the Sower , in which he compared the Word of God entering into the hearts of men and women to a farmer who sows seed . Jesus explained : As for what was sown on rocky ground , this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time When trouble or persecution arises . . the word , he quickly falls away . ( Matthew 13:20-21 ) . There are some who abandon their Christian faith when in trouble or persecution . They quit. They deny the Lord . One way people do this is simply saying : I do not know him . But otherwise is not confessing their faith in Jesus Christ , or not talking about him when the opportunity arises . Do people know that you are a Christian ? Your coworkers know this ? The members of your family know that you are a follower of Jesus Christ ? Have you spoken to him? I hope so . ENTREPRENEUR José Eduardo Mendes 30 years Creator of Hotel Urbano In just three years , the young José Eduardo Mendes , now 30 , has managed to transform the internet startup Hotel Urbano in a deal valued at just over U.S. $ 1 Billion . The business , founded in January 2011 with his brother John Ricardo , drew three partners - the Insight and tigeer funds and American investor Kevin Efrusy . But what s different this dot com ? The focus on hosting - business for sale with upper margin of airfare, usually the biggest gamble of travel agencies , explains the founder . It was thus that , in daily daily , the Urban Hotel has turned into a business muscles . Since 20 years , Mendes works on internet . Created an ecommerce site that never came to be profitable , but it brought a lot of learning . One day , he left a football match Fluminense , smelled the opportunity . I had to travel from Rio to Sao Paulo and had no hotel to stay the next day . Realized that Brazil had no great portal that sold packages of hotels and inns with really aggressive prices . Three weeks later , preoperational , a background of New York became interested in the business and made a contribution of $ 8 million . Results: 2014 revenues expected to reach around R $ 800 million , 40 % more than the previous year , from the sale of 4.1 million daily . Doubt it? Just tune in TV Globo , in prime time , to see an aggressive campaign on Hotel Urbano commercial break . This year alone , about U.S. $ 150 million will be marketing investments. The Urban Hotel , believes it is still a baby . Her dream ? See their offspring become as big as the U.S. and global Priceline, valued at $ 60 billion . ( Forbes Brazil ) . QUOTE OF THE DAY : When we are young we do not judge well : when we are old, and no. Blaise Pascal FREE SPACE : Bible Reading Luke 2.39-52 SCHOOLS OF JESUS : Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men : ( Luke 2:52 ) . Today we have in Brazil a big debate about education. All the problems the country faces are often launched on disability in education . You often hear that violence , poverty , corruption , everything would be due to educational failures . When we go to a school , both private and public network ( mostly) are just overwhelmed with the procedure of the students . The environment is disrespectful to colleagues and any present authority. The text of todays reading indicates some schools with Jesus. He passed with high marks in the home school : he was obedient to parents , the text says . Also had great advantage in the study of Gods Word , as demonstrated their expertise in many episodes narrated in the Gospels . Was approved in social terms , knew how to relate to people, so much so that his first miracle took place in a marriage. Never broken the laws of the government , duly paying their taxes (Matt. 17.14-25 , Luke 20.22-25 ) , and the rules of social interaction . High school took note of loneliness - there are many records of retreats for prayer . In the synagogue school instructed the people . In the school of Providence , care with the next , your note was very high . A school where Jesus stood out was how few of temptation . If temptation had graduations , Jesus would doctor . What class he gave in Matthew 4 ! Everything favored the enemy , but Jesus was the one who emerged victorious . Finally we mention the school of experience . In todays text we see that it started early . At twelve impressed the masters of the temple . We could then ask ourselves : Jesus took top marks in all subjects - which have been my notes ? If life is a school , we must seize it to become like Jesus. SPECIAL MESSAGE : Good morning ! This day is really only a good day if you make the commitment. No matter what you have to do, but how you go . What do you do with dedication has the power to create happiness. Even the sacrifice on tasks that are not so pleasant and easy have the power to produce such happiness . Nothing like the satisfaction of accomplishment honestly and dedicatedly . Therefore seek to engage with all that you do. This will bring you closer to where you want to be. You can even have many diplomas and be eligible for important missions and great responsibility . Even so , always give special attention to the tasks that seem to require both . Never overlook the work that seems simple . Your talents will be recognized at any time , regardless of where you are working and you are doing. Make your work a great source of satisfaction and joy . Be a special element within the process in which it lies. Be honest with yourself and others. Do whatever it takes to goodwill. Surely , the reward will be greater than the salary you receive at the end of the month . And at least the options and opportunities will multiply , day after day . Believe it ! And have a nice day ! LET U.S. PRAY : Kind, thank you Father for the Lord takes care of his flock and nothing lacking. Thank you that when we are in the midst of battle, the Lord makes us fly like an eagle . Thank you for the LORD is my shepherd , and moreover , is the rock of my life! amen SOURCE : BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day Be Happy THE FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 011 7868-0456 ID.55 * 86 * 235292
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:51:19 +0000

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