People, especially guys, forget that when a woman is independent & - TopicsExpress


People, especially guys, forget that when a woman is independent & single her time is small and short. You are the only one available to the care of things. Yes, you have those key people who are there for you in a crisis but what about the day to day. I woke up, went to Wal-Mart for my migraine, put brake fluid in the Focus, Seafoam in the Beamer, fed the animals, cooked breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, continued laundry, and my DAY OFF has just started!!!! This isnt an eat my icecream pity party! This is to put those who harp why isnt there more time for me on notice. I pay my own bills! I hustle hard to handle mine! I LOVE EVERY MINUTE!... because that is how God made me. Youre right, if I truly want something else in my life Ill make time for it but there are days when THERE IS NO TIME TO BE MADE! Its the truth! If I have to decide between doing what I have to do to take care of mine... keeping a roof over my head and food in the bellies that depend on me or something else. Mine comes first! Understand that or move on... That being said, if I make time for you... treat it like diamonds!!! I dont even have children! So to the single moms (and dads) who know this struggle... youre not alone, your time is precious, and youre not wrong for guarding it like a prized possession! For those who have such people or want such people in their life... be patient and dont abandon them... They are the strongest and most loyal people you will every meet!!!!!! #myheart #offmysoapboxnow #thestruggleisreal #fierce
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:07:45 +0000

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