People have been asking us how the move is going…. Well, - TopicsExpress


People have been asking us how the move is going…. Well, here’s an update: Once-upon-a-time, in the land of liquor boxes and Rubbermaid containers, lived a nice 30 something year-old lady and her 30-something year-old husband. That was, until one dark and stormy night when there was an accident. One of the 1000 boxes, stacked far too high, fell and hit the nice 30-something year-old lady in the head…. The shrieking was heard from miles and miles away… “AHHHHHHHH!” ‘THAT’S IT, EVERYTHING HAS TO GO,” said the nice, but now irate 30 something year-old lady. That was the start of the great purge. 1. We’ve purged / sorted through most of those boxes now. Thousands and thousands of books were either sold or donated. I am pretty sure the lady at BAM hates us now. I know this by her deep sigh and because her eyes literally rolled behind her head when she saw us approach the counter with another load of books. 2. We have movers scheduled to come on the 19-22. The first two days are scheduled for packing. Yes, they need to pack around the things that have already been packed and were moved here from storage. No, I have no idea how that’s going to work, I am still thinking of a strategy. Our bedroom isn’t usable for anything except a flat space to pile boxes in. Our bed is now the closet, and the closet is…. Well, in its present form: not usable. The office is much the same, but worse. So where are we sleeping? On the living room floor. 3. I’m also job searching. What a toughie that’s been. See, I love my current job. I love the job tasks and the folks I work with. It pains me to leave. It really, really breaks my heart. I know that a gal can’t get that lucky a second time. A lot of the jobs I have seen online pay WAY less than I am making now and their job descriptions are little all over the place. It will be an adjustment to say the least, but I am sure I will find something. In the meantime I am working up until the night before I leave. So in short: we’re both coordinating a move, and we’re both working full-time and running our business. Can you say stressed out?! 4. There’s like no food in my house. I think I saw a box of gluten free pancake mix and a bottle of Jack. 10 years ago when I was in University, I would have said to myself “Jackpot”. Truth be told, I am getting awfully tired of eating things that require a microwave. The time spent from the end of our workday until bedtime is consumed with sorting/purging/selling/donating. Being that we live in New Hampshire, some of the donate items have to travel 20+ miles. My in-laws have been a huge help, and I am so thankful for them taking time out of their day to assist. 5. People have commented, “You know you sell that… Put it on Craigslist or Ebay.” If I have to hear the phrase again I am going to have to be committed. I want to meet the person who has time to photograph and sell their stuff using these tools. I mean, I am working 50 hours a week at my current job; I have a business, too; I have to purge, sort, donate and move things acquired, but which are in boxes; and you think I have the extra time to photograph, mail/ship, and deliver my used items for a few bucks. I don’t think so. I’ve made this Facebook group/page to keep folks in the loop as we move. The drive will be 3-4 days (starting on Aug 24). We will be traveling the route seen in the cover photo, and will be stopping at some pre-determined destinations. 6. My sister-in-law has wrapped and packed us with a few presents to coordinate with the map above. So, at every one of her pre-determined spots, we are to pull over and open one of the assigned presents. They are to coordinate somehow with this trip. Sounds exciting 7. I have planned out several restaurants that are showcased on the show “Diners, Drive-Thrus and Dives” (Tripple Ds). We will stop at the one’s I have found/chosen and give you our thoughts on the menu items. Where are we going? Keep following us to find out! I’d also like to solicit some of your help… I’d like my friends to compose ideas for an iPod play list for the road (this is conjunction to our Sirus radio). It would be cool to see what you guys recommend. What are you favourite road trip songs?
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 04:06:03 +0000

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