People tend to think of laws as preventive measures. How often do - TopicsExpress


People tend to think of laws as preventive measures. How often do we hear lines like, There ought to be a law against such and such, or, People shouldnt be able to do such and such? The implication is that if such and such is outlawed, people wont do it anymore. Thats not reality, of course, which is why lawmakers attach a series of punishments to each new law. And thats what a law really is: A punishment. An injury perpetrated on behalf of society. An act of aggression that would be considered immoral if committed by an individual rather than a group of people calling themselves a government. If statists were honest, youd never hear a line like Should marijuana be legalized? or Should health insurance be mandatory? Instead, theyd ask: If someone chooses to grow cannabis in their garden, are you willing to lock them in a cage? Or, If someone chooses not to buy health insurance, are you willing to rob them? Well, maybe I dont advocate recreational marijuana use, but no, Im not willing to lock someone in a cage just because they disagree. Maybe I think its wise to buy health insurance, but Im certainly not going to steal from someone just because they choose to live differently. It would be morally wrong, and it would be just as wrong for me to pay someone else to do the caging and robbing. Right? If Im terribly mistaken, feel free to comment with a list of ways that Jesus would punish a lawbreaker. I guess that about wraps it up for that whole government thing.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:57:01 +0000

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