People who visit Sea World should make informed decisions about - TopicsExpress


People who visit Sea World should make informed decisions about whether they think making very intelligent Orcas perform stupid tricks including having someone ride around on their nose is a good and kindly idea. I hope the ACLU prevails and the ad at the San Diego Airport goes up, saying If you love animals as much as I do, avoid Sea World. If Sea World wants to be the scientific organization they claim to be, then they need to stop the coerced performances, stop in-breeding Orcas (probably for sale), and get them all out of their swimming pool-sized holding pens. People who go to the San Diego Zoo do not expect to see tigers and elephants doing tricks. The joy is just to see them in something resembling their natural habitat - the more natural the better.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:33:31 +0000

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