Peoples LIberation Front of Ukraine adopted on June 10, 2014 (I - TopicsExpress


Peoples LIberation Front of Ukraine adopted on June 10, 2014 (I believe it was in Rostov ...) its Manifesto that defines the principles and objectives of the national-liberation and antifascist struggle now centered in Donbass. I fully support it. The text (as translated by google): Peoples Liberation Front Manifesto Ukraine Copyright Coordination Center NEW RUSSIA Peoples Liberation Front Manifesto Ukraine Official document MANIFESTO Peoples Liberation Front UKRAINE Novorossia and Carpathian Ruthenia What is the goal of our struggle? Building on the territory of Ukraine Peoples Republic of fair social without oligarchs and corrupt bureaucracy. Who are our enemies? Liberal fascist ruling elite - the criminal alliance of oligarchs, bureaucrats, security officials and pure crime, serving the interests of foreign states. Who are our allies? All people of goodwill who recognize ideals of social justice and ready to fight for them that reject liberal fascist state on the territory of Ukraine, irrespective of their citizenship and nationality What is Social Peoples Republic for which we are fighting? Social Peoples Republic - its such a political form of social organization in which: interests of the nation and its comprehensive development - spiritual, intellectual, social, physical - are the highest goals and objectives of the Peoples Republic of Social All power belongs to the people and is exercised by the elected bodies through its direct representation Every worker has the right to health, education, pensions and social security at the expense of the state allowed any private or collective initiatives that benefit people and their development forbidden usury banking capitalism, living off of interest on loans - money should be earned not through debt bondage, and by implementing successful projects State acting on behalf of the people and controlled by its representatives, is the largest holder of capital and controls all strategic industries permitted private ownership, but large fortunes and their investment in politics and the economy are under the control of society - no one is allowed becomes a tycoon and rule over the people by creating an artificial monopoly situation What are the methods of our struggle? To achieve this goal (the creation in Ukraine Social Peoples Republic), we are willing to use violent and non-violent methods of struggle. We believe that only an armed people able to defend their freedom, but the violence is the only means of achieving a forced political objective. Whats going on in Ukraine? On the territory of Ukraine is the national liberation revolt against liberal fascist rule that terror and propaganda trying to fix in our country criminal fascist liberal capitalism. What is Ukraine? Ukraine - an area between the European Union and Russia to the Christian tradition (primarily Orthodox), inhabited by different peoples (Ukrainians, Russian, Belarusians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Poles, Jews, Armenians, Greeks, Tatars, Ruthenians, Hutsul etc.), which has a long tradition of popular self-government and the political struggle for the peoples freedom. What is happening in the South-East of Ukraine (New Russia)? South-East (New Russia) takes political uprising of the people against the liberal fascist rule, established in Kiev for money and with the support of Western masters. In this uprising involving all peoples - Ukrainians, Russian, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Hungarians, Romanians and so on. Does the South-East (New Russia) war between Russian and Ukrainians? This is not a war between Russian and Ukrainians (as says the liberal fascist propaganda), the rebellion of the oppressed people against a common enemy - the criminal fascist liberal capitalism. On both sides of the front fighting Russian and Ukrainians (and other nations). From the Kiev authorities mercenaries deceived by propaganda and punishers are fighting for the interests of big capital crime and criminal byurokartii, and from the South-East (New Russia) - the militias are behind the interests of the people and its free fair and democratic future. Whether different interests in Russian and Ukrainians in the ongoing events in Ukraine? Russian and Ukrainians share common socio-political interests-the liberation of Ukraine from the power of criminal capital, criminal criminal siloviki bureaucracy and pure crime. Why the uprising in the South-East (New Russia) passes under Russian slogans? Because Russian and Russian-speaking population of Ukraine has experienced double oppression - the socio-economic (and Ukrainian speakers), as well as cultural and political. Socio-economic oppression - corruption, arbitrariness, power crime, the inability of normal business and normal life miserable salaries, dependent on masters of life - is the norm of existence of each labor resident of Ukraine. Ban Russian language in the regions where more than 90 percent of the population speaks and thinks in Russian (about half the territory of Ukraine), the prohibition of teaching in Russian schools, and cinema advertising ban in Russian ban use in legal and administrative practices of the Russian language and many other absurd segregation requirements and prohibitions - this additional humiliation liberal fascist criminal power-speaking population of Ukraine. Therefore, Russian and Russian climbed first. Queue for all the oppressed people of Ukraine! Why Russia is helping South-East of Ukraine (New Russia)? A considerable part of the Russian elite is afraid of the national socio-political protest. She would have gladly agreed with Kiev authorities and ended the war in the South-East (New Russia). But the fury of the popular uprising against the oligarchic-bureaucratic liberal fascist capitalism does not allow it. Russian peoples support the just struggle of the South-East of Ukraine (New Russia). This forces all of Russia (by birth, but not views) elite, often in spite of its strategic interests, to maintain or to pretend that it supports the rebellion of South-East of Ukraine. Why the U.S. and EU help Kiev regime? The main objective of the United States - the struggle with Russia as the main geopolitical rival. U.S. should do or anti-Russian state with NATO bases on Russias borders, or create chaos, destabilizing the region. EU needs additional markets and sources of cheap raw materials. That supports the struggle of the South-East of Ukraine (New Russia)? Struggle of the peoples of Ukraine, which was the main base of South-East of Ukraine (New Russia), supports and develops a steady desire of the peoples of Ukraine free from liberal fascist domination of the ruling elites and the gradual awareness of the general socio-political interests and objectives of the fight. Is the struggle in the South-East (New Russia) separatism? No, territory fight the whole territory of Ukraine. Rebels South-East (New Russia) reach out to their brothers and sisters in all regions of Ukraine with the slogan: Get up against the common enemy! We will create a new free socially responsible peoples power throughout Ukraine and New Russia. What will happen after the victory of the national liberation revolution and the collapse of the liberal-fascist regime? Will be the formation of a new state on the territory of Ukraine, in which the power will belong to the people, not in words but in deeds. Population of each region through a referendum as the highest form of democracy itself will determine the future of their region - whether he would remain within a unified federal (confederal) State or full independence. How will the political power after winning the national liberation revolution? Political power will be based on the principle of direct popular representation (democracy) - from top to bottom. Organs of democracy will be formed, starting from the level of local Councils and the Supreme Council, on the basis of representative delegates from territories delegates from labor groups and professional corporations and unions, delegates from political, religious and social organizations. Prop popular democracy - local councils. They delegate representatives to regional councils. The supreme body of popular representation (the Supreme Council) composed of delegates from the regional councils. The Supreme Council elects a government responsible to the people through its representatives. We stand for the election of judges and heads of law enforcement agencies in the field. What will be the rights of the regions after winning the national liberation revolution? Each region will have the right to have its Constitution or other fundamental document guaranteeing living on its territory peoples basic political, economic, social, cultural and religious rights. Each region will have the right, in addition to the national languages to choose regional languages to the cultural, political, legal or administrative turnover. Each region will have the right to form their own budget based on taxation of individuals or legal entities operating in its territory. Each region will have the right to pursue an independent foreign economic activity. What will be the responsibilities of the regions after the victory of the national liberation revolution? Each region will be required to pay a portion of taxes in general bailout fund (in case of natural disasters or other catastrophes). Each region will be required to pay a portion of taxes for public needs - defense, maintenance of national state apparatus, the construction of national importance. Each region will be required to comply with the principles of general state of relations between labor and capital, civil and political freedoms. Each region will be required to maintain law and order and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens within the established national guidelines. These are the basic principles and objectives of our struggle. Every honest citizen and patriot should accept and support them.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:16:25 +0000

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