Pippins beautiful puppies turn 1 week old at 3 am. Last Monday - TopicsExpress


Pippins beautiful puppies turn 1 week old at 3 am. Last Monday morning. they were delivered by c-section during emergency surgery. There were 8 girls all together, but 5 did not make it. Discovered that Pippins uterus (uterine horn) had twisted over due to an unbalanced distribution of pups weights and when that happened all the placentas separated. We did not know how close we came to not only loosing the rest of the pups, but Pippin as well. These situations do occur and are why breeding is not for the feint of heart. In 24 years of breeding, we had only ever lost a total of 4 pups during that time and that was hard enough. These little girls and Pippin are true survivors but more than anything I know Gods hand was and is upon them now. So just wanted to share the situation because one never knows. The outpouring of support and caring has been amazing.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:10:47 +0000

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