Please Also Join Us For Des Moines 3rd Emergency Protest for Gaza - TopicsExpress


Please Also Join Us For Des Moines 3rd Emergency Protest for Gaza Next Thurs. July 24th- Corner of MLK & Ingersoll Ave.- 4-6pm In solidarity with our occupied sisters and brothers of Palestine, activists are uniting in DES MOINES, Iowa to support peace, liberation, and human rights. We call for an end to Israels massacre on the Palestinians of GAZA. We call on the US government to condemn Israeli aggression and human rights violations and to immediately cut off the $3 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars that the U.S. sends to Israel annually. We call on mainstream U.S. media to stop with its biased reporting and to hear more Palestinian voices. We call on people of conscience everywhere to stand up against Israels violent occupation and apartheid. Join us & spread the word! Israel is bombing the Gaza Strip, where 1.7 million Palestinians live in an open-air prison. As of Wed., July 16, Israel’s air bombardment on the Gaza Strip had killed over 208 Palestinians since it began its assault on Gaza on Tues., July 8th. Israel has dropped bombs on homes in Gaza, killing entire families Approximately 1550 Palestinians have been injured, with some losing limbs and disabled for life. The majority of the wounded are children, according to the Ministry of Health. All of the causalities are victims of Israeli bombs dropped on Gaza since Tuesday July 8th. Israel’s most recent military assault on Gaza, densely-populated besieged area, where CHILDREN make up over 50% of the population, is not an act of “defense,” but an act of collective punishment, which is a war crime. Israel’s aerial bombing of Gaza is a war crime because it targets a civilian population & hospitals, it is disproportionate force and it is collective punishment. Israel’s military is among the top 10 powerful; Palestinians have no army, no navy, and no air force. JOIN US TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST ISRAEL’S BOMBING OF GAZA & COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT OF PALESTINIANS! Your voice and presence is needed NOW to save lives! #Iowans4GAZA Sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee-Iowa
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 21:08:58 +0000

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