Please Continue to Pray for: Cancer:-Friend of Buddy Maertens - TopicsExpress


Please Continue to Pray for: Cancer:-Friend of Buddy Maertens mother who is in hospice care, Charise Heitman( stage 3a ovarian cancer,), Penny Boyce,Tommie Boyd,( lung cancer), Brandon Bertram(testicular cancer), Midgee Hazelrigs(endometrial cancer), Angela Kinney, Linda Buice Roebucks son(colorectal cancer), Marion( colorectal cancer), Teri ,(Leukemia ), Effie Pearson,( Breast Cancer), Stacey Martin, Barbara May( leukemia), Lee Busse Sr.( prostate cancer), Jasmine Bagley( leukemia ), Steve Kreinbrink( prostate cancer), Shirlene Walker, Lisa Ayers( stage 4 breast cancer),Chad Geary( stage 1 colorectal cancer), Carrissa Clemments, Mary McKinny, Margaret Kennedy, Marcia Thomas Gooch(Has Hypothyroid), Betty Watts, Brookie Patrick, Donna Butts,Dale Kidd, Linda Marshall, Allison Turnbul! Accidents( car/motorcycle,etc.) Stroke or serious medical needs- Lillie Fitzjurls, Bill Dickerson, ( biopsy sent 5-6 wks before news ), Donna George Clarks sister( bypass surgery) , Mr Bill Powell(in rehab doing better but still needs our prayers!) George Culloms brother(heart issues) Dave brother-in-law to friend of Wanda LaCasse( out of hospital but still long road to recovery doctors say is miracle that he is alive and we know who to praise and thank for miracles!!), Willow( Sarah Kiers niece), Leroy Gilliam (heart issues), Sam Roebuck Unspoken requests- God knows both the needs and the answers- AB(youing man with medical / emotional issues)Wayne Morris, Bev Woods Burger and family, Family friends of Angela Daily Thompson,Sarah Collins,Teresa Akins daughter, Connie Turner, Mary Vaught, Randy& Nadine Dunton and their families! Special requests : Carol Ragsdales daughter Beth(biopsy soon ), Jennifer Durka(recoverying from surgery 10/14/13), Steve Buice( heart attack 10/11/13 bypass surgery- surgery went well despite my having wrong last name prayers were answered ty!), Lisa Daughtry( surgery went well but very sore shoulder and PT is tougher after scar tissue develops), Roy Patrick( had severe stroke signed himself out of hospiital lift, him, mds and family!), William Estey(Randy Duntons Uncle-health issues), Harold and Nita Lewis( Harold has Alzheimers and Nita has health issues), Mrs Dru Barlowe(hip surgery recovery), Lewis M(preteen w/chrons) Mark Glover-( recovering from optic nerve surgery-), Wanda Patricks husband Gregg- update surgery went well, has permanent ringing in ears causing loss of sleep and other issues ) , my brother-in-law Dennis Fulton, Joe Lugo Sr. ( Joe is out of hospital and recovering at home, still needs our prayers), James Dickerson, Gail Fields , Carolyn Tooley, Elizabeth Walker . Continue to pray for the families of those who lost loved ones recently! Lift the families of those above, doctors, our country, soldiers especially those in harms way and away from family , lost folk and each other as well. Also as you pray thank God for what he is doing in their lives and ours !!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:22:00 +0000

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