Please Read then Share if you agree I was watching a show the - TopicsExpress


Please Read then Share if you agree I was watching a show the other night called NCIS. A fact was used on the show that every day of every week of every month for many years now that there is a group in America…. First let me tell you of the show first….A man called Blue living on the streets in and around the DC area, suffered a heart attack went into a local clinic, since it was a clinic they did not have the facilities to meet his needs. So he died before he could get the proper help to save his life. It was deemed that during the autopsy his heart was just about wasted away, the arteries of his heart where 95% clogged from his diet and living on the streets. Now Blue was part of that group I mentioned above…he was a Ex-Marine as they said, Gibbs (Mark Harmon) from the show quickly pointed out, he was not and Ex-Marine, he was a Marine. Like all of us that served we are not Ex anything we are Airmen, Marines, Sailors and Soldiers and all the others that served to help America be the Country she is today. Now how many do you think sleep on the streets, Homeless each night, some are lucky and find a shelter, thank God. The number used on the show I am guessing might be too small, they used between 60,000 and 70,000 Veterans are part of the homeless each day. How many civilian are added to that number? My problem is that it is service men and woman that gave us all something, they gave us a good portion of their life protecting our rights, our freedoms, and trying their darnest to keeps us safe. Could we not help them and the general homeless? I know this is a lot to ask for but are they not worth in each city/metro area to spend the money to on a public piece of land, build a 100 unit facility, hotel style room and bath; it gets a roof over their head, a bath, and a place to call HOME. Being a Vet I know you won’t as a City have to spend money on wages to hire people to do the upkeep maintance, you will have to provide a lawn mower or two and tools to do the work, they we handle the maintance. I am sure it is not as easy as I said but is there a worthier cause? Remember the old saying the “that a chain is a strong as its weakest leak” not meaning strength, so America is as great as its entire people…… Right or Wrong? Off my band wagon….if you read this TY for your attention Bobby Reed USAF Retired (Proud Member) PS: OH wait forgot one thing about Blue, during the autopsy it was found that the clinic (Dr.) that could not help him with the heart attack he came in for… helped himself to Blue’s Kidneys and Liver.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 17:01:21 +0000

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