Please click See More or Continue Reading OH, and BUY VOTES - TopicsExpress


Please click See More or Continue Reading OH, and BUY VOTES they will, ALL of them do. ALL we should be hearing from ANY of them is their ability to NOT violate the ONLY REAL promise they have to make, the Oath Of Office. Federal, State, and even local. NOWHERE in any of them I have read, and thats a lot, does that promise include buying votes with the guarantee of anything to constituents, donators, special interests, etc. OUR Founders gave that to us and it OUR individual duty to see to it is NOT violated, not someone else, but the person in the mirror! Let me ask you something: Have YOU ever read the Oath Of Office YOUR public servants must take? Not just the Federal ones, but all of them. Have you read and understand your States Constitution? Is the state our country is in the fault of the politician or OURS??? Learn how to fight without spilling a drop of blood. JOIN SUFA!!!! States United For Americans - SUFA will now be watching for Oath Of Office violations by STATE Lawmakers and local Sheriffs, nation-wide. SUFA will pursue ANY breach of contract with extreme prejudice!!! Filing breach of contract lawsuits in court and pursuing Perjury criminal charges. OBEY the Oath Of Office or suffer the consequences!! The ability to do so should dictate running for ANY public service position or taking ANY public service job. PERIOD!!! At States United For Americans - SUFA ALL members MUST have this REAL power FIRST!! So we are teaching how to become an experienced patriot with REAL power. If you understand just how insane it is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and are willing to learn something that WILL stop socialism from devouring YOUR Americanism, join or re-join SUFA (if you have not already) by clicking Continue Reading in the Pinned Post at the top of the page at: https://facebook/groups/statesunitedforamericans/ Please do not expect Facebook after you go beyond our catch all page. Facebook IS NOT what we are about! Saving Americanism IS! WE have ignored OUR duty, long enough!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:21:46 +0000

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