Please got an urgent anon question. I am 39 +2 weeks pregnant - TopicsExpress


Please got an urgent anon question. I am 39 +2 weeks pregnant with my first. The whole time Ive been booked in with the birth centre and planned on doing hypnobirthing with a water birth. Since July/August ive had a bad rash that they thought was ringworm, then Pupps , only to at one stage get so bad I had to get into hospital for a week and they found out through biopsies that I had a 1in 50000 rare condition called pemphigoid gestationis. Its an auto immune disease that csn be dangerous towards bub and danger for slow growth of which he has had none, hes still in the 69th percentile at last scan they had me do at 37 weeks and doing fine. Thw whole pregnancy ive been soo good and had no chemicals what so ever, not even a panodol but when they found this at 37 weeks they had to put me on 3x25 g phenergen / day, topical strong steroid ointment twice a day and 25mg oral steroids/day. I obviously wasnt really happy about this but I was told it was necessary to control it...Ive since managed to drop down the phenergen totally once i spent that first week in hospital and got home, Ive dropped the oral steroid to 15mg/ day but cant go below that as im at this dose still getting new ones but the itch is bearable. Ive been told they wont let me go pass my due date (next Tuesday t h e 3d )without inducing me due to the risk my condition poses to baby and once I have him i wont be allowed an early discharge but will have to stay in for 5-7 days as they are expecting a severe flare up after due to the hormones. Ill also need a hydro cortisone drip during labour. So thats the background, sorry its so complicated. Thing is on Tuesday I saw my midwife and as theres a threat of inducement next Tuesday he did a s&s and gave me a bishop score of 2/10.. but im still dilated 2cm but he couldnt get past cervix into babys head to sweep membranes there. Next morning(wed) at 5am I get the show - the jelly blob and at 7.20am my waters break and have been drizzling ever since. BUT no real painful contractions. I had to go in to MATU today for a check on baby- a ctg and hes all fine but they want to induce me tomorrow now. I just really want him to get to come naturally and Ive earlier tried getting in with my acupuncturist to help but shes booked until tomorrow morning at 10.30am where Ive got a booking with her but heres the thing- they want me in at 8sm tomorrow due to the risks and im trying to get a hold of my acupuncturist and beg her to see me today if possible but if I cant do that they have reluctantly agreed to let me come in straight after seeing the acupuncturist in the morning but I guess there will only be an hour at most in between that and them giving me the oxytocin drip... My fiance is not as naturally minded as I am and so he thinks that if i cant get in today I should just go tomorrow at 8am as he reckons it wont make a difference at all. So my question is- am I being unreasonable? Would the acupuncture be able to make a difference that close in to getting the drip or not? Let me also say that if I at all thought my baby was in any real jeopardy i wouldnt hesitate to go straight away but I really FEEL that hes fine and want to give him every chance even if minimal to come on his own accord. Thanks sooo much. ..its really stressing me and my family dont understand my wish to keep it natural. ♥
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 04:40:48 +0000

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