Please read the following my friends in FB It has taken me time - TopicsExpress


Please read the following my friends in FB It has taken me time to write this….I have searched myself and and the more I pray about it the more I feel Gods presence and Love in What I am about to say…….I have a great love for all those that have fallen through the cracks of Church life due to feeling not wanted or loved by the church and in doing so leave the church……. I know how it feels as I have been there……..I was away (as I thought ) away from a God that did not love me…….Don’t ever feel that way…. Remember Jesus himself told us that he would be with us always even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20…….You might feel at times that you are far away from him But he is with you and in those times usually carrying you……I have always felt that the church has built walls around it only allowing those that it wants to enter… Remember this is man not God…….Man has put the stipulations on how we must be but God has created each one of us different…he knew how our life would be …. He created each one of us in our mother’s womb ….and each one of us is precious in his sight…see Psalm 139……….Don’t ever feel unwanted ……If you love Jesus and believe that he died for you and rose again (defeating death)…….Then you should stand with your head held high and proud that you are his child and as his child you are the child of the King of Kings……..I love what Paul said……Romans 8:38 38 For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord… Nothing ever can separate us……. Man tells us that we can be separated……but brothers and sisters If you love him and follow him nothing can separate you…. Satan himself puts the thoughts in our mind that we will never make it…..No one can judge you except God himself…..God is a loving God he loved us so much that he sent his son to take our place …that when we come to him in repentance our past is nailed to his cross never to be remembered no more…Praise God…. Now that we are his he wants us to do the same and forget our faults of the past and live for today to love him and to love others as we would love him….. Earlier I talked about walls that the church have put up Those walls were not put there by the church most of them we put up ourselves ……..We separate ourselves from our fellow Christian family…..We want to say woe is me….The church does not love me…..We cut ourselves off from fellowship with other believers….We end up nomads going from one place to another never settling…never getting to know the love of God through fellowship with others…. I now go to service and enjoy being with others that love the Lord…Being able to worship my God with others is a great feeling…..I don’t now go to church thinking what others think of me…..I go there to worship a loving God that loved me far greater than anything……I feel free…..Praise God Jesus never condemned anyone…Oh that I could even be just a bit like Jesus…..Remember Brothers and sisters that we all have sinned …we were all born in sin.. so let not one of us Judge each other but I pray let us learn to love each other as Jesus taught us to…… Tear down those walls ….Let the light of heaven pour in…let us all see Jesus……But you may say Murray what if your church doesn’t like your lifestyle or the way you dress….We all have our thorn in the side,even Paul had that…….The way I feel then is I think of Jesus and what he did for me…what he went through for me…….what man can do to me is nothing…..Jesus told us that we would have persecution…..Put Jesus first Let the Holy spirit work in you…….. That is one thing I have done and I can praise God that I am seeing changes in my life as I grow…..On thing I will say never live a lie that brings you more under condemnation ………..Begin each day talking with your father in Heaven….Don’t talk to him with great oratory talk to him as you talk with your best friend…..He knows before you say it what you are going to say… He just wants you to talk with him……He is the greatest of friends and goes through all that you go through…Trust in him…… First of all tear down those walls so that you can see Jesus…….Put out your hand to those at church….Even give them a hug like I do…….I get a surprise sometimes but never have I had had a refusal………God Bless you all Love you all in Jesus Murray
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:57:00 +0000

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