Please share The WBC, the IBA . Our worries and ideas. By Ken - TopicsExpress


Please share The WBC, the IBA . Our worries and ideas. By Ken Derry Jr and Evert Aartsen Sr We are extremely worried about the current development in our sport. Barefoot has not just been a big part of our life it is our life, and that of our kids. The current development with the IBA challenging the WBC is in our opinion a huge risk for barefoot. We are a small sport and the last thing we want is split our sport up in two camps, this could easily mean the end of our organized barefoot water-skiing. We need to realise what the soul of barefoot is (at least in our opinion). Barefoot is a lifestyle sport, which connects a big group of people from all around the world with the same passion. It is the connectivity and the intense friendship that makes our sport so unique. We have great respect for each-other no matter how different our levels are, the Worlds number one can sit and have a pint with the number last and talk about their passion as equals it is these things that truly make our sport unique. And lets not forget that we have lots of fun together. We hope that no matter what happens this part of our sport will never go away. The current changes with a new association (the International Barefoot Association) IBA being founded are a risk and an opportunity at the same-time. We see a big and interesting potential in the IBA, but the initial motivation and approach of the IBA we see as brutal, undiplomatic and hostile. The good thing is that the IBA board members seem to also realise that things where maybe approached a bit to aggressive and communication between IBA and the WBC is on-going now which gives us hope. In our opinion there is no reason what so ever to try and overthrow the WBC and let the IBA take over as was the initial plan. This would without a doubt be the worst scenario possible in Barefoot and very likely split our sport in two camps. Barefoot would lose its connection with all national and international sports associations as the IBA would not be recognised by anybody and the WBC would be reduced too much for barefoot to be taken seriously (its already on the edge). But we also realise that the IBA was founded out of discontent with where our sport was going by our elite skiers (a very important group that needs to be taken very serious). So it is clear that something needs to happen. Lets first have a look at what this elite group is not happy about: They want to see a more professional and higher level World championships format. They believe our connection with the IWWF is a waist of money and we do not receive anything in return. We believe that going our own way without the WBC and IWWF will be suicide for barefoot as the Barefoot waterski World Championships are owned by IWWF and can only be used by organizations associated with them. This would mean that right away we would lose the right to organize a world championship, not to speak of the tens of thousands of Euro’s (combined) lots of national federations receive through their national sports associations and Olympic committees that would be lost for our sport. We believe there is absolutely place for a higher lever barefoot event where only the absolute best of the best compete, but we believe this should be a separate event not connected to the traditional Worlds, and we think here is where the IBA can play a fantastic role. Here is how we believe International barefoot can be structured. Resposibility of the WBC: Rule’s Officials Records Connection and communication with international sport organizations World Championship format World Championship organization Responsibility of the IBA Pro World cup format Pro World cup organization (using WBC trained officials if needed) Grass root development There should in this set up be one person that is on the board of both WBC and the IBA. This way there is a direct communication line between the two organizations. This way we can have the best of both Worlds. We keep our lifestyle Worlds as we know it, which will keep our barefoot family together. At the same-time we get more professional and commercial events that will enable our elite athletes to show case their skills with more exposure and overtime generate income through competing. We really hope both the IBA and the WBC leave pride and personal feelings out of the way and consider this structure. We all have the same passion lets not loose the common interest out of sight. Best regards from two guys with a serious foot fetish, Kenny and Evert
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:06:44 +0000

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