Please sign the pensioners petition below this letter. An open - TopicsExpress


Please sign the pensioners petition below this letter. An open letter to Ed Milliband...........................Please read, and send this letter to Ed Milliband at Labour party headquarters...... Dear Rt Hon Ed Miliband.; ( personalise any introduction to your letter here ).; I wish to intimate to you how a group of like-minded people on Face book, might see the future of political Britain forming up if the right leader with the right passion was to truly follow a more left-of-centre agenda.; Here is how we see it developing:; Britain needs social housing en-mass; just like after the second World War.; We need this social housing for people who cannot afford to buy; of which there are now millions.; Britain needs a complete and national renewal; after over 30 years of right wing doctrine; since the Thatcher/Major era’s.; Under Margaret Thatcher and John Major; we suffered from a silent; subtle war on the working classes. The rich were not affected; just the poor; as is still the case.; We need to return an Industrial; and manufacturing base to Britain so people can have real and sustainable jobs with a decent minimum wage. This way people can indeed stand on their own two feet without being means tested for demeaning Tax Credits. Housing Benefit etc. The means test is a trap that the old and the poor; the truly sick; and people who do not have a home of their own should be protected against.; We definitely need a higher state pension for our elderly people; and for everybody else reaching retirement age. It is a fact that in administration costs; the means test system is costing 15 to 20 times more than the restoration of the pensions and earnings link. As you know this link was cut by Margaret Thatcher in 1980; over 30 years ago; and as more and more people reach retirement age; means test costs will spiral; and state pensions benefits will dwindle.; So please sign, share and tweet. The legal retirement age should be set at 60 years of age for both men and woman; even if this means paying higher income tax; and NI contributions. If we want these things we are going to have to realise that we have to pay for them. Private pensions and health insurance are expensive and insecure and most of us know that we cannot have this both ways.; The unjust Council tax needs to be abolished and an appropriate income tax increase or a different and fairer way to gather this tax needs to be brought in across the board.; We need to use a larger percentage share of the total taxation-take to fund our vital services; even if this means cutting third world aid; and the fighting of foreign wars. As you also know; we as a nation spend less of our GNP on our vital services at national and local level; than in many of the Western European states.; We need to produce again; and we need to continue and strengthen our ties and our trade with Europe.; People in final retirement should not have to pay income tax; they have already paid income tax over a lifetime of working.; We need to reduce the naked enterprise culture; because; in many cases this gives way to greed and exploitation of the worst kind.; The essential services should be re-nationalised; ( at some high cost ); especially including the utilities; and price controls put in place rather than just wage-controls and the infamous fat-cats should be made to act much more responsibly; We need to adopt Europes full Social Charter as a legalised framework preventing workers exploitation in Britain.; We need to remove as many reasons as we can for the British working man and woman to strike. Fairness must be the order of the day; which means consolidation all round between manufacturing; business; workers; and Unions.; If these things are done the them-and-us feeling brought about by the rich continuing to get richer and the poor continuing to get poorer could be lessened and we could once again see a drive for true fairness ruling the actions of our political servants of the future.; Many regards; and hopes that you and your desire to bring about this fairness in British life will soon be made clear to the voting public of this country.; ( The sponsor of this letter is Michael Thompson ) Please go to this link ., it’s my web site dedicated to all British pensioners and the younger generations because they have all this to come and therefore they must consolidate.... An-open-letter-to-ed-miliband; ( Your signature here ) I do have an official address and e-mail address for Ed Milband; ( and a phone-number; although I doubt if that will be a direct phone number ).; Here they are:; Rt Hon Ed Miliband:; House of Commons; London; SW1A 0AA; Tel: 020 7219 4778; e-mail:
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:44:53 +0000

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