Plexus Worldwide’s new Medical Director, Dr. Dennis Harris, M.D. - TopicsExpress


Plexus Worldwide’s new Medical Director, Dr. Dennis Harris, M.D. explains our new addition to our Plexus Pain Relief System—Plexus Fast Relief Nerve Health Support. 80 million people have either nerve damage or neuropathy. It is one of the most frustrating conditions for physicians as well as patients have to deal with. Because…Nerve heals slower than any other tissue in the body. There is no medication that can heal or regenerate damaged nerves. So instead they give you meds that are very powerful with a lot of side effects to mask the pain. In Plexus, weight loss has been a focus and very well dealt with. A lot of the people on Plexus are either diabetics or pre-diabetics and that makes any illness a lot more difficult to control. It’s not uncommon for people to lose weight on the Plexus, and find they can better control their blood sugars better as well as eat more healthy and control things in a much more natural way without, in some cases, any medications at all. Those are all great testimonials. But not everybody can walk away clean if they have diabetes. The most common one is neuropathy, which affects the nerves in the whole body. 70% of all diabetics have neuropathy whether they know it or not. We have 100 million pre-diabetics in this country. And ½ of them already have neuropathy starting even before they can detect it with tests. Nerve damage can be problems relating to the back or the neck, it can be carpal tunnel syndrome, or it may be Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or many similar diseases. We know that medication is not the answer. The answer is truly Nerve Health Support. There are several reasons why this product works. This product has the 3 most proven effective natural ingredients to heal damaged nerves: Methylcobalamin aka Vitamin B12 but not like the multivitamin kind. It is the only form of Vitamin B12. It is the only product that has been proven to actually get to the nerve to begin to heal it. Something has to stimulate your body to product something called Nerve Growth Factor, the only peptide that can help stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve fibers. And there are no medications that have been found to do this. Acetyl L-Carnitine Alpha Lipoid Acid These have all been very powerful and proven. These set your body to heal and regenerate those damaged nerves. When you get nerve damage of any kind, the very tiniest capillaries, the very smallest vessels that bring oxygen, nutrients, water, to the nerve cells and take away the waste products, they begin to shut down because they’re not needed anymore because those nerves aren’t working anymore. So unless you create a healthy environment for the nerve cell to function in, you’re not going to get healing. So this Nerve Health Support product has ingredients to open up those channels and help the nerve cells to get nutrients again. Last of all it also contains vitamins and minerals that have been proven to maximize the conduction of the nerve impulses through the nerves. So even if your nerves are healing, unless the impulses are conduction through the nerves, you’re not going to get the feeling, motion, or strength back. These are the things that this particular product really gives to your cells and to your body with the method it uses to give the healing power for your nerves. You also have to get rid of the obstacles to healing the nerves. One road block is inflammation, which happens when any structure is damaged. Acute (sudden inflammation) such as with a sprained ankle actually helps the ankle heal. Chronic (ongoing) inflammation doesn’t go away due to a metabolism balance or other physical ailment going on, that inflammation will either slow down or block completely the healing process. So how do we get rid of that chronic inflammation? We’ve made that process easier here at Plexus Worldwide because there are probably 2 other products that you’re familiar with: Fast Relief Capsules and Fast Relief Cream. The main ingredients in both of those are Lyprinol. They are found in the New Zealand green lipped mussel. It has been found to be one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds anywhere. You should use both of those products in conjunction with Nerve Health Support to get the best possible affect. When we use all three of those products, Dr Harris, MD, calls that the Pain Relief System. And it won’t be found anywhere else. Bottom line is that we have major problems in this country with nerve damage and nerve pain and up until now there has been little or nothing that could be done to help those things. And we have the answer for you. The Pain Relief System is a very powerful tool to have in your hands. It is even better because none of these things have any side effects, none of these things have any kind of drug interference, so you can continue to take the medications that you’ve already been prescribed and you can work with your doctor to integrate these new products into your program. And you can do it safely. Last of all, if you haven’t had chronic pain, it’s hard to realize how it really affects your life. Those who have it can become isolated, they can become withdrawn from their family, they can lose their job, they can lose hobbies that they love to do, and they can lose the reason and the quality of their life. You can give that back to them. So take that gift, use it well, and I believe you are going to have a lot of happy and excited people. Message or call me today. 318-547-8100 or sarahwatley.myplexusproducts
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 06:57:39 +0000

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