Police Harass Muvi TV for Breakfast Show on Sata’s - TopicsExpress


Police Harass Muvi TV for Breakfast Show on Sata’s Health Police in Lusaka are pursuing and harassing Muvi Television journalists following a show that discussed issues concerning President Michael Sata’s health and trip to Israel. Police sources tell Zambia Reports that government authorities were upset that Muvi Television, a private station, featured a show at the weekend with alleged graphic content discussing Sata’s health. President Sata was evacuated to Israel 10 days ago with government claiming it was a working holiday but investigations have proved otherwise. When announcing Sata’s presence in Israel was related to a working holiday, government officials warned citizens that those discussing the health of the Head of State risk arrest. Police sources say they are analysing the programme that Muvi aired and its editors and owners could be charged for the now ‘popular’ offence of publishing information with intent to cause public alarm. “Anytime, those boys from Muvi TV will be reporting to the police. As police, we have been instructed to deal with anyone not authorised to comment on the President but is making any public statement on the issue,” a senior official from one of the top stations said. Muvi TV journalists at the station are reportedly now intimidated not knowing whether their next day will be spent behind bars. President Sata is allegedly in a coma after being diagnosed with Multiple Organ Dysfunction and his return to Zambia is not expected anytime soon. The PF government leaders are insensitive on issues surrounding President Sata’s evacuation where doctors suggest there may be little hope for the country’s fifth Republican president. zambiareports/2014/06/30/police-harass-muvi-tv-breakfast-show-satas-health/
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:23:45 +0000

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