Polish History revisited The enigma was designed by German - TopicsExpress


Polish History revisited The enigma was designed by German engineering at the end of WWI. Orignally designed for business use, it was adopted by the German military to communicate coded messages. The first people to crack the Enigma code were the Polish. Close links between German and Polish engineering industries allowed Polish cryptologists Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski, working for Polish military intelligence, to reconstruct an Enigma machine and read these German military messages between 1933 and 1938. In 1939, with German invasion looming, the Poles went to the UK and shared their information with the British. The Germans, convinced their Enigma messages were unbreakable, used the machine for battlefield, naval, and diplomatic communications. Mathematicians and intelligence experts, with the help of primitive early computers, began the complex and urgent task of cracking the Enigma code. The Allied decipher team made a crucial and groundbreaking contribution to the defeat of the Axis. Winston Churchill advised King George VI (United Kingdom) after World War II: It was thanks to this effort that we (Allies) won the war. The incredible effort was not revealed to the public until the 1970s.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:30:22 +0000

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