Political correctness is allowing the rapidly expanding Islamic - TopicsExpress


Political correctness is allowing the rapidly expanding Islamic population to impose Sharia law on non-Muslims, says suspended Katter’s Australian Party candidate, Bernard Gaynor. Mr Gaynor’s comments came after it was reported that an Islamic school has told non-Muslim teachers that they will lose their jobs if they don’t wear the hijab (an Islamic veil) to school functions and outings. “Where is the hypocritical left on this issue and where are the politicians, so quick to condemn my comments defending the rights of Christian schools?” Mr Gaynor said. “Apparently it is wrong to think that Christian schools should be able to hire teachers who live by Christian principles, but it is perfectly acceptable for an Islamic school to force non-Muslims to adhere to Islamic practices.” “You could easily imagine the outcry if a Christian school ordered its non-Christian teachers to wear a crucifix.” “What really makes my blood boil is that the Australian community is completely against the imposition of Islamic practices on non-Muslims, yet no politicians will speak up. They are cowardly.” “As someone who has worn the uniform of this country and seen the reality of Islamic life, I am not prepared to remain silent.” “The Islamic community needs to understand that they have come to a country with Christian values. They must accept that if they are to successfully integrate. Unfortunately, there seems little sign of that occurring.” Mr Gaynor also said that the silence of political correctness had also strangled Katter’s Australian Party. “I know for a fact that Bob Katter himself was too afraid of an Islamic backlash to say anything about the riots in Sydney last year.”
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:37:06 +0000

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