Pollen, Honey, Royal Jelly From propolis: been investigated - TopicsExpress


Pollen, Honey, Royal Jelly From propolis: been investigated pollen and honey. While honey has been used as a food and medicine since the cave days, the ‘’new’’ field of natural medicine is leading to another look at all of the products derived from bees and the hive. In the beginning is Royal Jelly, a pearly-white gelatinous mass produced by the pharyngeal glands located in the heads of the nursing bees. This nectar appears to be one of nature’s most concentrated foods. It is rich in protein, trace minerals, B1,B2,B6 and B12. It is a source of niacin, biotin, folic acid and inositol, an excellent source of pantoteic acid, and also containing all of the essential amino acid. Also 10- hydroxyl- decenoic acid, now being studied for its anti-cancer activity. It contains acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter needed for proper cell function, and plenty of minerals. For humans, royal Jelly is thought to aid mental alertness, provide energy and a general feeling of well-being, aids in cell regeneration, increase resistance to disease and help maintain skin tone and hair health. Futher-more, Royal Jelly helps trigger an increase in the brain’s production of serotonin an essential for those who have difficulty controlling their appetite, suffer from sleep disorder, or have low energy levels. More About Bee Propolis- Nature’s Antibiotic More than 30 years ago, researchers discovered that bees, contrary to other insects and animals, were free of any bacteria. The hives were ‘’hospital clean’’. Propolis Is a resinous substance gathered and metabolized by the bees from the bark or leaf buds of deciduous trees. It contains resins, balsam, wax, etheric oil, pollen, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plus previously discussed cafeic esters and high level of flavonoids. Bees also use this substance to fill in holes and make the entrance to the hive small enough to sleep out invaders, Propolis, meaning in Greek ’’defence before a town’’, Intruders who enter the hives are killed and then covered with propolis which mummifies the body. It non decay and spread disease. The flavonoids found in propolis are about 500 times the potency and healing power of oranges and are believed to be responsible for the major antibiotic effects of propolis. Flavonoids have numerous therapeutic effects- among them are beneficial action on the capillary system and the circulatory system, and as a vasodilator. They act as diuretics, increase bile production, and have been reported to influence the production of compound from the thymus, thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. The ability of propolis to purify makes it effective for healing sore gums or sore throat, and for stomach and intestinal infections. Propolis is not a ‘’new’’ discovery. Hippocrates prescribed it to help heal sores and both internal and external ulcers. And before 400 B.C. Herodotus the Greek wrote of propolis ointment to treat open wounds and abscesses. The Koran and Persian and Arabic manuscripts of the 6th century also mentioned this substance to treat eczemas, purity the blood and treat bronchial catarrhs. The many roles of Royal Jelly and propolis Royal Jelly: Antibiotic its bacteria-destroying action help prevent a diverse range of ailments, from acne and influenza to stomach ulcer and urinary tract infections. Its bioflavonoid content has been found to enhance the effectiveness of vitamin C in the body.- Energy: Taken as a supplement or in snack productions, it is helps maintain vigor and stamina.-Appetite: It can help trigger and increase in the production of the brain chemical serotonin, essential for people suffering from appetite control problems, sleep disorders and low energy levels.-Immune system: Its high content of essential nutrition helps boost the immune system.-Allergies :Research has indicated it can aid in controlling allergies.-Common Maladies: It has been found to help relieve constipation, arthritis pain, muscle tension, headache, vertigo and eye fatigue. Propolis: Immune System; Its high- nutrient profile and antiseptic properties help build resistance to disease.- Radiation Injuries caused by exsposure to radiation have been healed with propolis, according to some research studies. A double-blind tests conducted in Yugoslavia revealed improvement in patients treated with propolis for liver problem caused by radiation exposure.- Ulcers: infections An Australian physician reported that there was no trace of ulcer pain after three days in 7 out 10 patient studied and that the wounds in 6 out of 10 patient after 10 days.-Stamina: It has been used by many athletes and Olimpic champions, strength and to alleviate sore throats allergy symptoms, cold sore, acne, ear infections, urinary tract infections and other infection. The flavonoid activity of propolis’’ may well represent a whole new action is attributed to high bioflavonoid content. What about Pollen? We will talk about later.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:03:53 +0000

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