Post-Apartheid – The ANC’s Failure to Launch The ANC - TopicsExpress


Post-Apartheid – The ANC’s Failure to Launch The ANC inherited an extremely functional system of infrastructure from the previous Nationalist Regime. But instead of capitalising on the existing technological gains and developments, it chose to, in opposition to the previous policy of separate development; introduce a policy of separate destruction through a thinly disguised process of racial profiling and discrimination. To truly understand the progression (Regression) up to this point in time, let me reference post WW2 Germany. A country wrecked by the combined efforts of the Allies against the Nazi Party. In order to supply accurate figures, I am going to use the archives of the world’s oldest motor car manufacturing entity, Mercedes Benz. Herewith Extract 1: “From January 1945, one could no longer speak of production in the proper sense. The supply of materials was interrupted by the destruction of transportation channels and communication facilities; almost daily air raids kept the staff sitting in shelters. With operations scattered in a very large number of shadow facilities and with the existing material transferred to single smaller depots – there were almost 400 external locations in all – the conditions were completely unmanageable.” This references the destruction at the end of the war. Post WW2 regulations placed substantial strain on the business as outlined in Extract 2: “Considering the extraordinary scarcity of vehicles, this means a struggle over every unit. For instance, since we could only invoice a maximum price of 6200 Reichsmarks for the 170 V, fixed by the Prices Board, the start-up of its production naturally involved considerable loss. In those days a new 170 V that we were forced to sell at the aforesaid price was resold, second-hand, for about 100,000 to 120,000 Reichsmarks.” One could argue that these circumstances made it impossible to do business. But they prevailed. Germany was almost levelled to rubble by the Allied Air Campaign. Dams were destroyed. Telecommunications were destroyed, bridges were destroyed. Buildings were destroyed. Herewith Extract 3: “The Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen factories produced an average 200 cars a month in the first half of 1948; in Gaggenau, up to the currency reform 342 five-tonners and buses left the factory. An organised reconstruction of the sales organisation was unimaginable at first: “The development of the company-owned sales and service outlets was characterised by very heavy demand for repair services, which allowed most of the outlets to survive the post-war years, though under extremely makeshift conditions. Gradually, the first urgent construction measures were carried out in the different outlets and tolerable conditions created.” The perseverance and capability of the German people after the war is a factor alone that is worthy of closer study. Achieving in these almost impossible odds is a story in itself. In the 11 years from 1945 to 1956, the resolve and dedication of the German people is nothing short of miraculous. Herewith extract 4: “In the years following the currency reform, the automobile industry posted one production record after the other. From 1948 to 1949, for instance, motor vehicle output increased one-and-a-half-fold to 164,000 cars and trucks; two years later, West German automobile production, 374,000 units, for the first time exceeded the pre-war production level of the German Reich in the frontiers of 1938. And in 1956, production in West Germany then passed the one million mark for the first time.” Whilst the German people, the pariahs of the world at the time, didn’t even bother to take the time to lick their wounds, the ANC inherited a completely functional system with the only requirement to grow it. Even with this simple function and with the support of the entire world, they failed. Reviewing a similar 20 year period, the ANC has failed in almost every endeavour. The successes in South Africa today exist despite the ANC’s efforts and not because of them. Herewith extract 5 from the Mercedes Benz Archives: “The annual report for 1965 begins with a map of Germany showing the factories, the company-owned sales and service outlets and the branches in the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. The 53 company-owned sales and service outlets and branches employed 11,108 people according to the report. The number of authorised agents was 828. These sales and service outlets employed another 25,000 people. ‘The expansion of the after-sales service network and the rationalisation of the maintenance and repair procedures for the most part have eliminated the reception times and waits,’ the 1965 annual report tells us.” In 20 years, Germany picked itself up from the rubble and became a global economic hub. The ANC on the other hand took the power house of Africa and immediately began squabbling over the crumbs left over from apartheid. They bought submarines that are now broken and aircraft that cannot be flown because of their racial segregation policies on employment and training, (We have 6 qualified fighter pilots in our air force). A precious little anecdote isn’t it! Is this a story of doom and gloom? No, not at all. Fortunately the ANC is an open book, although they have, through their bumbling attempts, tried to cover their ‘Work’ so to speak, through some shoddy apartheid type secrecy legislation. But mainstream South Africa, is not party to all of this nonsense. Conventional South Africa is aware that a New Government is required to bring South Africa back on course. The next government will not be ushered in with democracy, nor will it be brought into power by revolution. It will be ushered in quietly by absolute necessity. It was written about over 100 years ago… The time is drawing nearer and nearer.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:54:45 +0000

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