Powerlifting/WOD All accessory exercises (AE) are 3 sets/8-12 - TopicsExpress


Powerlifting/WOD All accessory exercises (AE) are 3 sets/8-12 reps Accessory Upper exercises (AUE) Accessory Lower exercises (ALE) Maximum effort (M/E) Dynamic effort (D/E) Week 4 of Smolov Program 12 ALE Wide Row Stiff Legged Deadlift Bend to Opposite foot KB Power Swing KB Around the World KB Ribbons KB Side Bends Strength: Smolov Week 4 Day 1 Monday 4 x 9@70 + 20 pound increase from Week 3 WOD: For time: 400m run 50 situps 50 medicine ball cleans 400m run 50 situps 50 walking lunges 400m run 50 situps 50 air squats 13 AUE Upright row Rear deltoid raises Shoulder press Front raises GHD sit ups Tempo Back Extension Tempo 1 min L-sit Skill: Burgener Warm-up Strength: 1a) 5X3 Snatch First Pulls – heavy, rest 45 sec. 1b) 5X3 Pendlay Rows – heavy, rest 45 sec. 1c) 5X3 Split Press – rest 45 sec. WOD: 1) Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (11 total reps): 1 Power Snatch @ 80% (of max Snatch any style) 2) Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (11 total reps):1 Power Clean @ 80% (of max Clean any style) 14 ALE -Weighted lunges -Wall squats -Pistols -Weighted leg raises -Ab Roller -Ball Jackknife Strength: Smolov Week 4 Day 2 Wednesday - 5 x 7@ 75% + 20 pound increase from Week 3 WOD: “The Shop Chipper” For time: 10 deadlifts, 135/95lbs 20 wallballs, 20/14lbs 10 hang power cleans, 135/95lbs 20 kb swings, 53/35lbs 10 front squats, 135/95lbs 20 box jumps, 24/20″ 10 push press, 135/95lbs 20 pullups 10 back squats, 135/95lbs 20 burpees 15 AUE Shoulder warm up with bands Band pull downs Dips Stability ball crunch Reverse crunch with ball Floor wipers Skill: Burgener Warm-up Strength: Clusters ( Squat Clean Thrusters ) Base number from 1RM Clean & Jerk •5 @ 50%, 5 @ 60%, 3 x 3 @70% WOD: EMOM for 14 minutes alternating: 1a) 1 Snatch (full) @ 80-90% 1b) 3 Front Squats @ 70-80% 16 ALE -Reverse Hyper -GHD raises -Weighted Lunges forward -Weighted Lunges Backwards -Weighted Sit ups -Strict Toes to Bar -Russian Twist Strength: Smolov Week 4 Day 3 Friday – 7 x 5@80% + 20 pound increase from Week 3 WOD: Run 800m then, 10 Rounds: 10 KB swing (24kg/16kg) 10 push ups 10 sit ups 10 air squats Then, finish with 800m Run 17 AUE - Bench Press - Lying Fly - Straight-Arm Pullover - Alternated Shoulder Press - Lateral Raise - Upright Row Strength: Smolov Week 4 Day 4 Saturday – 10 x 3@ 85% + 20 pound increase from Week 3 WOD: AMRAP 12 mins: Ascending ladder of: 3 Thrusters 115/75# 3 Box jumps 30/24″ 3 C2B 6 Thrusters 115/75# 6 Box jumps 30/24″ 6 C2B 9 Thrusters 115/75# 9 Box jumps 30/24″ 9 C2B ….until 12 mins is over.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:55:54 +0000

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