Pray today for Harris Chapel and Red Bud churches. When you think - TopicsExpress


Pray today for Harris Chapel and Red Bud churches. When you think of these churches, you see beautiful churches on a large and visible section of their communities. As people drive by, they see the activity of Gods people engaged in ministries. Though in different types of communities to some degree, but both are in areas needing the hope of Christ. We have dealt a lot during these 31 Days of Prayer with the personal need to cleanse ourselves and present to God an honorable sacrifice. Psalm 51 relays the way we should genuinely confess. All our sin is against our Lord. Yes, we may hurt people close to us, but ultimately it is against the Lord. Continue to pray that God will reveal things in your life that keep you from experiencing the fullness of God. As He reveals, make the necessary adjustments in your life. Today, we want to deal with a series of corporate prayers. Prayers lifted both your the church you attend as well as the churches across our nation. Take some time to think about these and pray for the church today. Ask God to expose lifeless religious activity in your church so that your church can become blessable. Pray for church leaders, that God will reveal areas of their partial obedience and pray they will develop a heart that says nothing else matters except what the Lord is calling His church to BE. Pray the church in America will see its role in revival and seek the Lords help in these desperate days. Ask God to pour out revival in our churches and healing throughout our land. Pray for your church to be an instrument of holiness allowing others to see the Lord. Pray that the church will FIX their eyes upon Jesus and share the message of hope that can come ONLY through Him to the people in the shadows of our steeples.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:15:32 +0000

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