Prayer Difficult? Ever talk with G-d? Did He answer? The - TopicsExpress


Prayer Difficult? Ever talk with G-d? Did He answer? The Bible references prayer more than 600 times, confirming its critical importance. Simply put, prayer represents the very spiritual lifeblood of the relationship we have with G-d. Its the main way we communicate with both our all-powerful Father in heaven and with Jesus Christ, our Advocate. Through many examples, the Bible shows how prayer is the miraculous medium directly connecting physical man to G-d, who is Spirit. - check John 4:24 Through prayer we can express our gratitude, praise, thoughts and needs to G-d. The Bible firmly states that prayer works. It avails much. - James 5:16 But what happens when we actually pray? Do we sometimes get stuck in what seems to be a one-way communication link? Do we get caught in a repetitious, even mindless pattern, repeating ourselves? Ever feel dissatisfied with what you prayed? Ever even have a few pangs of guilt? Heres the real question: How do we pray effectively? One of the most helpful scriptures concerning how to make our prayer more effective appears in the Book of Romans: Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered deep intercession that cannot be expressed in mere words.- Romans 8:26 Although well-intentioned, our prayers can be off target or incomplete. Thankfully, G-d provides help! What does as we ought mean? Can it mean that our well-meaning prayers may actually be repetitious and mechanical, hurried, selfish and shallow? Is it hard to concentrate and stay focused? Left alone, would such off-target prayers ever get answered? This same verse does offer help! Heres a critical fact to consider: In prayer we are bridging our physical dimension with the spirit dimension of G-d. Its a dimension that is foreign to the natural physical man, and humans can even be hostile to it. Part of a persons conversion process is embracing the spiritual dimension of G-d. The Holy Spirit—the very nature, mind and power of G-d—is given to those who surrender and humbly accept a relationship with G-d. Through G-ds Spirit, we have a power-filled means to reach and communicate with G-d with a greater degree of satisfaction and effectiveness.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:55:38 +0000

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