Praying for Taylor and for other loved ones, then dear Prayer - TopicsExpress


Praying for Taylor and for other loved ones, then dear Prayer Warriors, WHERE IS THE GOD WHO HEARS! Perhaps you have wondered about the throne of God, where it is, whether heaven might be another dimension, and how far away is the One who answers our prayers? Think of God’s throne in comparison to how big is the earth we live on. One solitary star is called Betelgeuse. There is no way to comprehend its size! Betelgeuse is so astronomically huge that it is twice the size of the orbit of earth going around the sun. And in that sense, earth seems very small. The speed of light from the sun reaches the earth in 8 minutes. To circle earth at that speed, it would go around the earth 8 times a second. This same speed of light traveling for a year would cover 5.88 trillion miles. To apprehend a trillion, a jet flying at the speed of sound and reeling out dollar bills end-to-end would take 14 years to blow away just one trillion dollars. What is this light year of 5.88 trillion miles? How many years would it take to cross our Milky Way galaxy of billions of stars? It would take 100,000 years! So now leave this galaxy for any one of hundreds of billions of galaxies out there. Then the trillions of light years appear as nothing! In fact, our Hubble Telescope cannot see far enough into what seems to be infinity. Click here – “The Love of God” youtube/watch?v=E3Ylk_z4oSg (Preview) The universe has one rebel planet, just one where people shake their fists at Almighty God. How amusing, those who boast of standing to tell God what they think! Even the law of cause-and-effect reveals a Creator much greater than His creation. Picture the Lord stepping out upon the front porch of glory, looking at nothing, and making everything! “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth” (Psalm 33:6). If the size of the universe impresses you, then it should! But how much more is it to bow before the living God, where “all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast!” (verses 8-9). Our key for living is not just in knowing how small we are, but to know how great is God! Where is His throne? Where is the Lord for the lonely, the depressed, slandered, abused, and for our loved ones failing in health? We must know that God is awesome and God is big enough! But will God be here when we need Him? Yes! “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18). So it matters little for us to know exactly where is the throne of God, or whether heaven is another dimension. All that we should really care to know is that for all of our needs, God is here! In comparison to the great winds of time, life is merely as the vapor of a deer on a winter day. Or to view the stars, earth is like a single blade of grass compared to all the grasslands of history! Yet as insignificant now as you might be feeling, we need to know that God also knows the number of hairs on your head! He knows your burdens! And the One who rules over the vastness of outer space calls the stars by name! But it is not the names of stars holding God’s attention as much as He is seeing you! God has engraven your name within the palm of His hand (Isaiah 40:16; 49:16). The One who watches over the stars is the One who is caring for you! Somewhere today a mother agonizes, and cries to sob, “When my child breathes, I breathe; but whenever the breathing stops - I suffocate!” And in those dark rooms of falling tears, there are the forgotten ones, the jobless, the sick and the lost. But does God really know? Does He care? Yes! God cares so much that He records the heartaches for every broken heart of His children, and stores your tears in the bottles of heaven (Psalm 56:8). To look at the skies, we might wonder, “Where is the throne of God?” What we can know is this. Our planet can look at that little hill outside of Jerusalem and know exactly about the presence of God. Because there stood an old rugged cross where the Creator Himself was crucified on a hill He made, and by the people He created. The arms stretched on that cross are today stretched widely for you, to say, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). From the Hubble Telescope to distant stars, “trillions” of light years evaporate as nothing. How could a beam of light at just 186,000 miles per second ever reach so far? Well, hypothetically, suppose it will happen. Then this we know, on the light year of its arrival, that would be like just one second into eternity, while eternity has just begun forever and ever and ever and evermore! Where will you be in eternity, whether before the throne of the loving and living God, or to be cast into a devil’s hell and outer darkness forever? We cannot point to any place and say, “There is the throne of God.” But we can rest assured as we pray, when we’re hurt, for be lonely, the scared, and while interceding for others, that our God is never far away. Maybe you don’t feel that your faith is very strong today. Then friend, take what little faith you have and place it into the hands of this great God who loves you and wants to sustain you for now and forever! “The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). And we have seen answers to enough of those prayers to keep us praying on. ~ Chuck Brocka
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:22:49 +0000

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