President Obama gave an amazing news conference Thursday. Hed - TopicsExpress


President Obama gave an amazing news conference Thursday. Hed hoped to highlight mildly encouraging news on the economy, which he says is Americans top priority. But Obamas current JV communications strategists should have known that was futile, given the winds of war blowing around the world. Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, ISIS, China all underscore the perceived weakness and inaction of the American leader who so badly wants his mere words to sway events. Obama says Muslim extremists, whose barbarism brings new meaning to the word extremists, dont belong in the 21st century. Turns out, it may be the detached, lame-duck American president who doesnt belong where he is. As soon as the questions began, the commander-in-chief of the worlds sole remaining superpower, albeit a stumbling one, lost control of the news conference, as hes lost control of his presidency and its narrative with 875 days left. Obama spent most of the 30 minutes saying what he is not going to do. Remember his tough talk when Russia seized Crimea last spring? Well, forget it. Now that Vladimir Putin is also taking over eastern Ukraine, Obamas not going to seek a military solution to the stealth invasion. Never mind the 1994 Budapest memos guaranteeing Ukraines territorial integrity once it surrendered its nukes. Obamas not going to have too many U.S. boots on the ground in Iraq. Hes only taking limited action against targeted sites. Hes not going to attack within Syria now. That would put the cart before the horse. Hell probably place more sanctions on Russia, although Obama is the only one who thinks theyll work. We are not taking military action to solve the Ukrainian problem, Obama asserted. What were doing is to mobilize the international community to apply pressure on Russia. All of this verbiage to cover the presidents inaction to fill the regional power vacuums hes spawned and enhanced. And we havent even abandoned Afghanistan yet. Obamas right, Americans do not want a new foreign war. But theres a lot of room between all-out invasion and sipping lemonade on the porch. Americans want a president who doesnt appear bullied or snookered by an ex-KGB thug who never rose above colonel. They want a president who exudes a reassuring sense of control, that they may not fully understand all this deadly Sunni-Shia business, but he does. That he shares their values, is focused on whats important and wont let those beheaders get over here. After all, he spent $2 billion of other peoples money to get this job. Read More At Investors Business Daily: news.investors/ibd-editorials-viewpoint/082914-715385-news-conference-performance-underscores-failed-foreign-policy-on-many-fronts.htm#ixzz3BsGweH5y Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:26:31 +0000

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