Press Release Students Petition Against Ministry of Educations - TopicsExpress


Press Release Students Petition Against Ministry of Educations Decision Timor-Leste is very young country established in the third millennium. Therefore, it is very important to develop its human resources to prepare all process of state and nation building which will enable all physical and none physical operational development in Timor-Leste. After decades of independence, Timor-Leste is still facing huge problems in the education sector-education sector is not yet become states priority. States funding allocation is still really low compared to other sectors such as infrastructure. lack of governments priority in the education affairs which prejudice students and to minimize capacity of national university to reduce numbers of new enrolment students this year with reasons of logistic limitations, less lecturers to teach and limited university capacity to accommodate new students. Timor-Leste has only single state university, even with the limited capacity government has its obligation to manage everyone whoever wants to study at university effectively, so everyone can have access to higher education according to our constitution article 59 number 2 which says education is the future of Timor-Leste and the way forward to the progress of this beloved land. Few days ago, everyone heard through news that Education Vice Minister for tertiary education affairs stated clearly on the new enrolment for academic year of 2013/2014 to access to states university with full of discriminatory sense against youths of this beloved country who have willing to continue their studies at UNTL. Points referred the above none sense decisions as follows: 1. Only to give greater priority to those students who has got grade 27 above from the recent examination to enroll at national university. It shows government has no willing to liberate youths from poor and disadvantage families just to create another discrimination steps. 2. Students with grade below 27 those with special package for veterans which come with recommendation letter from veterans office. This means that will not include rest of others even though they are veterans teenagers but they will not be accepted because they do not have recommendation letters. This phenomena is big insult and against popular struggle principles. As student we observe that this decision of Vice Minister of Education has brought another social stratification in the society. We consider that this policy is really against state building principles. Everyone recognizes independence of Timor-Leste was through popular decision making not from a small group. We consider the decision taken by Vice Minister was unfair, unjust, against poorer Timorese people and not fit with majority of Timorese willing, therefore: 1. We against strongly to ask Vice Minister of education to cancel all his decisions to allocate 50% seats to veterans teenagers to access to national university even their examination grade below required standard. 2. we ask strongly to Vice Minister to eliminate all forms of standards to open fair test for everyone to compete fairly according to spirit of our constitution. 3. We strongly to urge our national parliament to take actions against ministry of education which has discriminatory purposes in mind. 4. we recommend to national parliament to deeper discussions on states budget for 2014 which allocate more funds and prioritize human resource development. 5. we call all university candidates from all over the country to come together to form this coalition more stronger to ask our constitutional rights to state. 6. We call every part of society which has vest interest in education to take action against government of Timor-Leste specially ministry of education to answer peoples right in education. 7. With strongly voice to declare to everyone in Timor-Leste and international community that struggle against Indonesian occupation was with popular force not an elite or small groups fighting. Therefore, we urge resistance leaders to please valorize popular war philosophy to fulfill economic and sosial justice for everyone. Dili 29 October 2013 Students Association – UNTL Inocencio de Jsus Xavier Representative This Petisaun willsend to; 1. Mr. President of Repúblika RDTL 2. Mr. Prime Minister of RDTL 3. Mr. Minister of education 4. Sr. Vice minister education ensinu superior 5. Sr. Rector of UNTL 6. Member of national Parliament Timor-Leste 7. Bishopof diocese Dili, Baucau no Maliana 8. archives Komunikadu imprensa PetisaunHasorudezisaunMinistériuEdukasaun No.: __01__ / P / AE-UNTL / UNTL / X/ 2013 I. Lian Mak loke Timor-Leste nudárpaís joven ne’ebé hamriik iha millennium terseiru, presiza duni ninia dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu hodi prepara ba prosesu harii estadu no harii nasaun (state building & nation building) nune’ebele operasionaliza prosesu dezenvolvimentuiha Timor-Leste entermus fíziku no la’ós fíziku iha setór hotu. Hafoin Timor-Leste hetan nia ukun rasik an, setór edukasaun kontinua sai problema públiku inklui seidauk sai prioridade ba agenda estadu nia.Alokasaun orsamentu estadu sei mínimu liu ba setór ne’e kompara ho setór infrastrutura fíziku. Menus prioridade husi Governu ba asuntu edukasaun ne’e prejudika kualidade estudantesira nia no moosfó dalan ba UNTL atu limita simu estudante ho razaunlojistiku no dosenteseidaukservisu ho enerjia tomak. Timor-Leste ihade’ituniversidadeestatalúniku, mak UNTL. Maske ho kondisaun ne’ebé limitadu maibé Governu iha obrigasaun atu halo jestaun ho efetivu nune’e ema hotu bele asesu ba edukasaun iha nivel superior bazeia ba konstituisaun RDTL, artigu 59 no 2 haktuir. Edukasaun mak futuru Timor-Leste nia no dalan ba progresu rai doben ida ne’e nia. Iha loron hira liu ba povu tomak akompaña media nasionál sira kona-ba despaxu Sr. ViceMinistru Edukasaun asuntu ensinu superior, relasiona hoprosesu hodi simu kandidatu estudante foun tinan akadémiku 2013/2014 hodi asesu ba UNTL, despaxu ne’e ami konsidera hamosu diskriminasaun grave ba joven Timor oan sira ne’ebé iha vontade no espíritu atu kontinua sira nia estudu iha ensinusuperiór (UNTL). Desizaun refere hamosu diferensa hanesan: 1. Fó oportunidade ba sira ne’ebé hovalór ezame nasionál (NEM) 27 ba leten ne’e hatudu katak Governu Timor-Leste laihaseriedadeatulibertapovu husi kiak no mukitmaibéhahúdiskriminapovuhusisirkunstánsia sosiál 2. Valor (NEM) menus husi 27, ne’e pakote espesiál ba veteranu sira balun nia oan de’it (hetan rekomendasaun husi Komisaun de Omenajen), la inklui povu no veteranu nia oan, fenómenu ne’e ami konsidera hanesan insulta boot ba prinsipiu funu popular. Nudár estudante universitáriu ne’ebé ejerse ami nia papél hanesan ajente kontrolu sosiál observa katak, polítika Governu, liu husi S.E. Vice MinistruEdukasaunhamosuestratifikasaunsosiál (klasesosiál) ba nia povu rasik. Ami konsidera katak, polítika ne’e kontra ona sentidu de estadu, tanba mundu tomak rekoñese ona independénsia RDTL povu maioria mak hakotu, la’ós grupu ida de’it. II. Ejijénsia Haktuir desizaun S.E. Vice Ministru edukasaun ne’ebé la justu, onestu no transparente ba povu kiak no ki’ik nia oan, liu husi Assosiasaun Estudante – UNTL, hato’o ami nia ejijénsia hanesan tuir mai ne’e: 1. Ami kontra ho lian maka’as ezije ba ministériu edukasaun (Vice Ministru ensinu superior) atu kansela total despaxune’ebé oferta ba veteranu nia balun 50% atu asesu iha UNTL mezmu valor ezameNasionál latoo estandarte. 2. Ami ezije ba Ministériu edukasaun atu elimina total kualkérestandarte ba estudante foun nune’e bele fóespasu ba Timor-oan hotu ne’ebé finaliza ona nia estudu iha ensinu sekundáriunune’e bele halo teste kompetitivu iha UNTL nudár sidadaun hanesantuirmandatukonstitutional RTDL. 3. Ami husu ba Parlamentu Nasionálnudár reprezentante povu nia atu foti asaun forte hasoru Ministériu edukasaun hodi mudadespaxune’ebédiscriminativutebes-tebesne’e. 4. Ami husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu fó tempu no enerjia tomak ba diskusaun orsamentu estadu 2014 nune’e asuntu rekursu umanus iha Timor-Leste bele hetan prioridade iha orsamentu 2014. 5. Ami husu ba kandidatu universitáriu sira iha Timor laran tomak (foin hotu husi ensinu sekundáriu) atu mai hamutuk iha petisaun ida ne’e nune’e ezije ita nia direitu constitutional ba estadu. 6. Husu ba inan aman sira tomak no parte hotu mak preokupa ho asuntu ne’e atu mós foti asaun forsa hasoru governu Timor-Leste liu-liu ministériu edukasaun nune’e estadu Timor-Leste bele ejerse nia obrigasaun hodi hatán ba direitu povu nia ba edukasaun 7. Ami ho lian maka’as hodi deklara ba povu tomak Timor-Leste nia no komunidade internasionál katak luta rezisténsia hasoru okupasaun illegal military indonézia ne’e luta popular la’ós luta elite ka grupu nia, ami bolu atensaun ba lider rezisténsia nia tomak atu fó favor ho onra ba filozofiaGuerra Popular nune’e bele atinje justisa ekonómiku no justisa sosiál Dili 25 Outubru 2013 Assosiasaun Estudante –UNTL Inocensio de Jesus Xavier Reprezentante Asosiasaun Senadu UNTL Petisaunne’eseihato’o ba; 1. Sr. Prezidente Repúblika RDTL 2. Sr. Primeiru Ministru RDTL 3. Sr. Ministru edukasaun 4. Sr. Vice ministru edukasaun ensinu superior 5. Sr. Reitor da UNTL 6. Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu nasionál 7. Reverenduamu Bispu diocese Dili, Baucau no Maliana 8. Arkivu
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 05:58:09 +0000

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