Press release Leipzig, 1 October 2013 THE GUARDIAN and Glenn - TopicsExpress


Press release Leipzig, 1 October 2013 THE GUARDIAN and Glenn Greenwald are additional laureates of the “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media” 2013. Leipzig. Next to the already selected laureates (Jörg Armbruster/Martin Durm, Brigitte Alfter/Ides Debruyne as well as Tongam Rina), The Guardianand Glenn Greenwald also receive the “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media” 2013 in equal parts. The Guardian and Glenn Greenwald accept the Prize. The award ceremony takes place on 8 October 2013 in Leipzig. EXPLANATION The Guardianand Glenn Greenwald informed the international public about the dimension of global surveillance of digital communication networks in an excellent and journalistically independent manner. Against opposition and despite direct interventions, they continued this work unperturbed. Because of his research and publications, Glenn Greenwald is also suspended to unacceptable personal limitations, threats and hazards. THE GUARDIAN The Guardian (founded 1821 in Manchester) is one of the most famous British daily newspapers. The Guardianis especially renowned for its investigative and enlightening journalism. Editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger is considered one of the most prominent media professionals in the world. In the recent years, The Guardian has often researched highly controversial issues: in 2010, the “Afghanistan-Papers” from WikiLeaks were published under the journalistic leadership of The Guardian. Also in 2010, The Guardian revealed the monitoring practice of British newspapers belonging to Rupert Murdoch. Since May 2013, journalist Glenn Greenwald published information about large-scale monitoring programs (PRISM, Tempora) of intelligence services. Because of these reports, the newspaper is set under pressure by the British government and is forced to destroy its material on that issue. This led to worldwide protests of journalist and publishers associations. GLENN GREENWALD The American lawyer, author, blogger and journalist Glenn Greenwald (46) has recently set a highlight of investigative journalism with his revelations about large scale monitoring programs (PRISM, Tempora etc.) of intelligence services. His investigations led to a global reporting on that issue. His material which was published in The Guardian, goes back to the whistleblower Edward Snowden. Together with the filmmaker Laura Poitras he interviewed Snowden at the beginning of 2013 in Hong Kong. Greenwald had previously dealt with the theme "governmental monitoring" and "restriction of civil rights." In several books and articles published at the online debate magazine Salon, the author has taken a stand against covert control by the intelligence agencies. TONGAM RINA - BRIGITTE ALFTER/IDES DEBRUYNE JÖRG ARMBRUSTER/MARTIN DURM This year’s “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media” is also awarded to Indian journalist Tongam Rina; Brigitte Alfter and Ides Debruyne, the initiators of the “European Fund for Investigative Journalism“ (founded in 2008) as well as German journalists Jörg Armbruster (correspondent of the ARD for the Middle East until 2012) and Martin Durm (radio reporter of SWR). More information can be found at: BACKGROUND The decision on this subsequent nomination, which is unprecedented in the history of the Prize, was made by the jury consisting of the Board and the Council of the Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig on 25 September 2013. Due to the additional award, the Media Foundation increased the total endowment of the Prize to 40.000 Euros in this year. Since 2001, the Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig awards its “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media” to journalists, publishers and institutions who show a strong personal commitment to the freedom and future of the media. The prize is also intended to keep alive the memory of the Peaceful Revolution of October 9, 1989 in Leipzig, when protesters demanded “a free press for a free country.” Stephan Seeger Dr. Lutz Mükke Managing Director Program Coordinator Journalism Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig Science and International Relations
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:24:19 +0000

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