Preventing delivery of food stuffs and cutting off Ashraf’s - TopicsExpress


Preventing delivery of food stuffs and cutting off Ashraf’s water and electricity enters third week قطع آب و برق اشرف كه از روز 19مرداد شروع شده است، چهاردهمين روز خود را پشت سر گذاشت و فردا وارد سومين هفته مي‌شود. قطع ورود مواد غذايي و آب و برق به اشرف كه به خواست رژيم ايران و بنا به دستور العمل نخست وزيري عراق صورت مي‌گيرد، از مصاديق جنايت عليه بشريت و جنايت عليه جامعه بين المللي است و مسئولان آن بايد محاكمه و مجازات شوند. - US and UN are responsible in the face of crime against humanity by Iraq and they must bring it to an end Cutting off Ashraf’s water and electricity that began on August 10th surpassed its fourteenth day and enters its third week tomorrow. Preventing the delivery of food stuffs and cutting off Ashraf’s water and electricity, taking place at the Iranian regime’s behest and under orders of the Iraqi Prime Ministry Office, are considered crimes against humanity and crimes against the International Community, and those responsible for such measures must face prosecution and punishment. All Ashraf residents are ‘protected persons’ under the Fourth Geneva Convention, asylum-seekers and ‘persons of concern’. According to Iraqi Prime Ministry Office orders, Ashraf’s electricity must be completely cut-off and water is not pumped into Ashraf at all. The Ashraf Suppression Committee in the Iraqi Prime Ministry has transferred Heidar Azzab Mashi – a criminal Iraqi Army officer – from Liberty to Ashraf. He has been summoned by the Spanish National Court for his role in two massacres in Ashraf. A number of agents of the Quds Force and Iran’s embassy in Baghdad are present in Ashraf and, along with Heidar Azzab, are supervising the cut-off of Ashraf’s water and electricity and prevention of delivery of food stuffs inside the camp. In the past two days they have carefully inspected all corners and angles of Ashraf’s security fence to become certain no water or electricity enters the camp through any vents. Cutting off water and electricity in the hottest season in Iraq, where temperatures in the shade reach around 50 degrees Celsius, is a criminal measure that will lead to humane losses. The water condition inside Ashraf is now critical and the ill are in grave danger. According to the Prime Ministry order, if Iraqi officials are questioned by international organizations about the water and electricity outages, they must provide this answer that all of the Iraqi people are facing power outages and the water is cut-off because of the power outages. This is a huge lie and the issue has nothing to do with Diyala’s electricity problems. Even Ashraf’s power station has electricity but they are not permitted to provide it to the camp. The 100 residents have remained in Ashraf under an August 17, 2012, quadripartite agreement between the US Government, the Iraqi Government, the UN and the residents in order to secure the property of Ashraf and Liberty residents. Based on the aforementioned agreement, on September 6, 2012, and an official letter from the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative, the 100 residents will remain in Camp Ashraf until all of their property in Ashraf is sold. The US Secretary of State’s Special Advisor on Ashraf stressed that the stay of these individuals at Ashraf has no time limitation (Agence France Presse, 3 October 2012). However, the Iraqi Government has to this date not permitted the sale of even a single item of the residents’ property. While reminding the US Government and the UN of their commitments towards the safety and security of the Ashraf residents and holding them responsible for Iraqi government’s crime against humanity, the Iranian resistance calls for urgent action to end this criminal siege immediately by reconnecting the water and electricity and lifting all of the obstacles to entry of food.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 22:40:36 +0000

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