Pump iron to lose weight When we think of weight training – - TopicsExpress


Pump iron to lose weight When we think of weight training – or in its advanced form, bodybuilding – images are often conjured of massively muscled individuals with chest measurements exceeding their IQs. While some of us would like to build our muscles to full capacity, the vast majority of people who lift weights do so primarily for health and fitness benefits, of which there are many. In placing sustained resistance our muscles, weight training develops strength and, by consequence, builds muscle to improve our physical shape; an aesthetic advantage which allows us to look better in clothing and when wearing less during the hot summer months. However, the benefits of weight training extend much further than the abs of steel and perfectly peaked biceps many of us wish to cultivate. Aside from increased bone strength resulting from the sustained resistance weight training promotes (due to enhanced calcification of bone tissue) is the Holy Grail most exercise devotees strive to obtain: fat loss. It works like this: the more muscle we build, the more efficiently we may reduce body fat levels; as such, all good exercise programs must have aerobic and resistance training components. As well as burning a degree of fat through metabolic elevation resulting from progressive weight training, we may also, in effect, become fat burning machines due to our greater muscle density. Our individual metabolic rate determines how many calories we burn at rest; the higher our metabolism, the more energy we use to maintain the smooth running of our many biological processes. Aside from requiring energy, which, in turn, utilizes fat as a fuel source, our metabolism, to an extent, controls how much fat we store. Compared to fat (a comparably inert substance which, when stored in excess, may drain us both mentally and physically), muscle is extremely metabolically active; the more of it we have, the leaner our bodies become. By having an optimal fat to muscle ratio, we are better able to develop, and maintain, a lean physique. In fact, whereas bodybuilding was once thought to make us ‘muscle-bound’ and to promote ‘bulky’ physical development, it is now routinely prescribed for those seeking superior athletic performance, greater flexibility, improved postural stability, and weight loss. Forget the starvation diets and the useless money making Jenny Craig schemes: eat a sensible diet incorporating a wide range of beneficial nutrients, drink plenty of fresh clean water, get enough sleep, banish negative stress from your life, and, above all else, adopt an exercise program centered around safe and effective weight training protocols. About the author: David Robson is a professional freelance writer who runs personal training company Advanced Personal Training (APT), is Founder and Managing Director of Fit Futures Charitable Trust (an organisation which provides personal training options for people with physical disabilities), and Founder and President of the New Zealand Wheelchair Body Building Federation (a not for profit organisation open to all New Zealand wheelchair users).
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:38:10 +0000

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