Q: Keepers, what can you tell us about the attraction between - TopicsExpress


Q: Keepers, what can you tell us about the attraction between empaths, narcissists and those with sociopathic personality tendencies? This pairing seems to be somewhat common and can be a painful experience for the empath. Thank you. A: Dear ones, thank you for your question. Part of what has fallen under what we have called the veil of forgetting is the personal power that can also travel alongside empathy. Empathic individuals though they can be perceived as soft and sensitive often have a well of deep strength within them. Though we can only comment in general terms as these individual pairings often have a karmic element to them, they are often for the purpose of soul remembering, growth and expansion through what could be described as a contrast experience. Both the empathic and narcissistic are energetic shape shifters, and can mold their own energies at will depending on the environment and circumstance. In this case, it would be fairly easy for an empath to not effectively see the agenda of a narcissistic or sociopathic person. Also, many empaths have a trusting and pure nature at their core, which could also incline them for possible exploitation. For the indvidual that is exhibiting aspects of narcissism, to be in the presence of an awakened empathic individual is an opportunity for their own healing and awakening if they would chose to utilize it. Narcissism spiritually is the opposite of unity consciousness, as the individual sees themself as separate from others and somehow more special or significant. There can be many reasons for this, but karmic and environmental factors are often involved in the development of what are considered to be negative or shadow personality traits. Part of the healing journey for the empathic and highly sensitive is to embrace their soul qualities without judgment or shame. To seek out others of like-mindedness and similar natures can also be healing and restorative; along with spiritual connection within to their soul family, Guides and ancestors. In the past planet Earth has not exactly been an understanding place for the empathic, but the tide is changing rapidly in this area. You are becoming a strong and unified force for good. Some keys to be in your strength and balance as empaths are to drop co-dependent, fixing behaviors and to share your gifts and wisdom with others when asked. Also, to practice such pristine self-care that living in the world is no longer a burden or emotional drain. For every empathic individual that awakens to the gifts of their nature, it widens the road for others to do the same. Shanti. ~ The Keepers, 6.4.14 (information to be included in my new empath course to be offered soon through spiritualityuniversity)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:10:15 +0000

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