QUISLING THE NORWEGIAN example!!~~LOL Scottish indepencence - TopicsExpress


QUISLING THE NORWEGIAN example!!~~LOL Scottish indepencence politics, leaves Norway comparison well out of its depth! Christopher Mcbride Interesting comments!~~~(following an eco thread?? about Scottish independence~~(following Norway example)! POLITICS????~~NORWAY IS STONE AGE COMPARED TO SCOTLAND!! I think that independence from Westminster is a just demand, be it for a country, city, region, industry, place in or out of Europe etc etc., but I think that Norway is hardly a model of any kind!! Norways 20th century demands for self determination, have been a disaster!! Norwegians have never had the massive responsibilities, faced up to by English speaking Scots. I dont just mean Robbie Burns, or other Scottish poets and writers etc, who had to decide if/not to respond to Europes past and present problems and questions, with the looong~drawn~out, complicated, and fudging Latin language. Scottish political history, and the best English language (provided by the Scots~~ please add more knowledge here) never suffered from the decisive weakness of Norway in the last century, particularly WW2, and Norways most responsible representatives, regarding Nazi needs and desires for Norway as a military and industrial must have! This lack of positive language, and working class industrial battle experience, left the gates wide open for the emergence of the Quisling, led by Hitlers great admirer, Mr, Quisling himself. Clergy trained Quislings opportunist weakness can be seen in his face by experts, but is easier understood by a Scotsmans accusation of him, as a wee treacherous, fibbing, back stabbing bosses cock sucker!! Scotland, and its classes, will never have the same temporary reprieve which has mulled the Norway working class, since Post ww2 Euro agreements. Im sure that Norwegian popular hesitation, would have left THEIR Mr,Quisling, with a bit of sympathy, and a large mountain chateau, My Complicated Life autobiography royalties, and even a lucrative job as a government political adviser, if European public demand, failed to force his execution for the murder of hundreds of honest Norwegian cops who fought Nazi occupation, and his rounding up, torture, and use for NAZI slave labour, of thousands of Norway workers, esp, Jews! Then, the primitive language of Norway, would have found some emotional, sentimental, love for the rotter, and his friends and offspring would be in Norway power today!! Maybe there are some??. To conclude these passing thoughts!~~ Norway has one of Earths highest suicide figures. Their skilled workers spend much money on cars on stilts with big bonky tyres. They buy plenty of (£10.00 a pint) cold fresh blonde beer, until they cant speak responsibly!!haha!!Was he from Sweden?? Finland is another part of Europe which hopefully will be taken in hand by the well spoken, highly skilled, battle hardened, class conscious, language equipped, poetry wielding, fighting Scots, in the next euro battle against capitalism and its international franchise of Europes workers and their wares!! ~~Unedited~~food for thought!! PS!~~Im not a racist, and get on very well with most Norweigans in London. I had one sat on my knee on the tube between Victoria and Clapham in 1989. LUVLY!!! Long golden legs, unabashed, (tipsey), socialist, tall, slim, blue eyes,!!~~But f~~ck!! I cant remember his name!! Haha!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 01:26:08 +0000

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