“Quantum Creativity”: The Quantum Brain Conference - TopicsExpress


“Quantum Creativity”: The Quantum Brain Conference Meeting Florence, 08-10- October 2014 ; EGOCREANET egocreanet2012@gmail Call H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA The Conference Meeting Aims The ideas and assumptions that are the focus of this conference are oriented to define the, now obsolescent, priorities of the change between industrial society and the future of the knowledge society. In this context of epochal transition between two modalities of interpreting development the future of thinking-design , one should not consider simply rethinking the old discipline of Industrial design, but rather it should be interpreted as a new combination of multi-disciplines and multiple actors networking and sharing within the dimension of cross-fertilisation of collaborative competencies. → Goal 1.) Supporting a large set of early stage, high risk visionary “quantum science and technology” though collaborative research projects is necessary for the successful exploration of new foundations for radically new future Augmented Reality communication technologies. This becomes possible by combining the analytical characteristics of science, with the constructive approach of the thinking-design and creativity of art. So we agree that the New Scientific Design” results from sharing novel ideas and innovation between different competencies, which today may be considered as post-industrial trans-disciplinary interactive thinking-design methodology. “New Scientific Design” will therefore become distinct, from the traditional design of pre-industrial and industrial society. The project Quantum Creativity aim to augment the reality known both from the point of view of science that technology in augmented reality. As a matter of facts for facing the future we need a deep change, to get a breakthrough, paradigm-shifting, trans-formative communication and, disruptive ideas. We argue that for contemporary science and society, to overcome the complex situations of crisis, we need to refer to a different paradigm: based on systems thinking and innovation design . The new paradigm is nowadays the reference paradigm of the “New Science- Design” and is called: NANO-BIO-INFO-COGNO(NBIC) from the initials of Nanotechnology, Bio- technologies, and those of ITC, which are catalysed by cognitive change. This “NBIC” paradigm can be seen as a consequence of the need to manipulate materials that no longer have macro-dimensions, this is because new materials normally are molecular structures, or sub-microscopic devices able to see nano-scale dimensions. → Goal 2 .) Nurturing fragile ideas of novel science design through linking empathy with intuition requires today an agile, risk-friendly and highly interdisciplinary research based on transformative creativity, expanding well beyond the strictly scientific & technological disciplines. Transformative Creativity may be described as the catalyst to Creative Leadership of innovation. This will be realized through a deep knowledge exchange with social media and communications processors in Augmented Reality, aiming to reverse the decrease of the general culture of industrial society generated by the classical reductionist science of mechanics and trying to cultivate scientific young leaders and managers of the future. 1. Transformative Creativity In the framework of the NBIC paradigm, the “future of thinking -design” is primarily characterized by the ability to display social, economic and cultural challenges of change and therefore may be conceived also as a New Design for Social Innovation. Therefore, the traditional sector of industrial design is changing, moving decisively toward a new intellectual renaissance, which becomes based both on scientific and humanistic values. Contemporary designers become catalysts for change, as they are oriented towards developing solutions to re-launch the great contemporary social issues. The avant-garde of the New Scientific Design are creating a new trans-disciplinary vision that converges on the development of future emerging technologies. Accordingly, within this scope, the modern design changes and expands its work, involving networks of multiple skills as a sign of creativity and by the use of the “Disruptive Innovation “ methodology, aiming at the transformation of industrial society into the future knowledge society. The development of shared and interactive knowledge requires, in the first instance, a new vision for modifying design processes, which refers to an extension of quantum / probabilistic science, in order to replace old conceptions (e.g. macroscopic / deterministic ) of classical mechanics, which are founded on the basis of cause-effect relationships . This change in the conceptual orientation, focused on quantum science, determines the consequent renewal of New Science-Design towards Disruptive -Innovation, in which the term disruptive refers to the lack of a consolidated structure for change. The above definitely modify the programming of contemporary design, which previously had the classical paradigm of science as reference, rather than to refer to the modern developments of quantum science. Therefore, it becomes important to focus on this paradigm shift, because it can determine the growth of a new conceptual view that can drive collaborative systems of Open Innovation in the new creative perspective, aiming to give new priority to the process of planning modern design in order to implement a transformative innovation for sustainable development. 2. Expanding human cognition and communication: The Quantum Brain Theory The expansion of human knowledge and the capacity of communication have had their deeper roots in the quantum extension of knowledge, which have been transferred from physics to biology to genetics..., producing the continuous successes of science, and establishing a more systemic understanding of innovation, both in its conceptual development and also in its practical application in technology. The summit of this extension of the quantum knowledge currently has the focus of improving our knowledge on the functioning of the brain (Quantum Brain Theory -QBT). This interpretation implies a radical change in scientific thought, which determines a large and convergent impact in the sphere of creative culture of science and in contemporary art. In fact, the introduction of modern quantum concepts, now applied to functional activity and communication of the brain, causes one to overcome the arbitrary distinction between “subject and object of visual and sensory perceptions”. This leads to radical change of the reductionist culture that is included in the mechanic paradigm of classical science. The mechanical reductionism of science was accepted as valid and sometimes made quite indisputable by scientific institutions, throughout the whole industrial era. Consequently, the conceptual change, now based on the extension of knowledge applied to the quantum brain functioning (QBT), will allow the acceleration of developments in long-term cognitive and social innovation, just as a result of an advancement of knowledge no longer limited by old mechanical models. • Goal 3. ) The Quantum Perception overcoming the arbitrary spitting between subject and object of traditional science and object put in evidence an original or radical long-term vision of the project Quantum Creativity” , focused on enabling and anticipating new communication technology based on scientifically ambitious new concepts of “Quantum Brain Theory. 3. Quantum Perception & Creativity The quantum science and art today, proposes to look at what exists with the new eyes of the Quantum Brain Theory (QBT) . This new approach allow us to overcome the mechanical model of interpretation that treats the “eye / brain” to a passive receiver of images of the outside world, on the basis of the metaphor of the photo-camera. This obsolete way of thinking about the brains perception as a passive reproduction of images, which are directly related to an objective reality as independent of the observer, has no more reason to exist. In fact, through the application of modern quantum science and through the investigations of magnetic resonance imagining, made during the active brains working, now it becomes possible to change the reductive conception of brain functioning, of the mechanical model of science. QBT is based on the development of the brain as a super-quantum computer and this new approach allow us to investigate and predict by seeing our interactions with the materials environment. Therefore, in the new visual interpretation, which is generated by the extension of quantum science to the activities of brain functions, we understand that what we actually see and feel takes the form from some virtual scenarios that show us the probable expectation of our interactions with the environment. Consequently, the QBT, by overcoming the arbitrary separation between subject and object of perception, allow us to predict the future of our possible actions in the outside world. In this sense, the new interpretation of the constructive quantum functioning of the brain permits us to look at new creative opportunity to increase and expand the intellectual limits of the interpretation of reality. The main conceptual innovation of QBT is therefore, to recognize that the semblance of an objective reality is a great illusion of the senses independent of the observer. In fact, on the basis of the “Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (1927), we know that the “quantum phenomena not takes a defined macroscopic form, as long as they are not actually observed. So, right from the origins of quantum science, the need to rethink the act of observing has been left open and can create these macroscopic values that are the ones that we actually perceive. The radical cognitive change supported by QBT is that the “objective reality” is an illusion, created by a mix of virtual and tangible reality, which allows us to consciously decide between a few choices of probabilities that describe the scenarios of the quantum brains perception. Various experiments confirm that these macroscopic values are really undetermined. So our sensory perception represents a net decrease of the state of quantum information acquired from the brain. Prof. Elio Conte, a well-known Italian researcher in the area of the Quantum Cognition, put in clear evidence an alternative probability, described by the perceptual scenarios, can be effectively observed in cases where the construction of the third dimension of space determines optical illusions: eg. Concave impressions of faces are normally perceived as raised when they are illuminated by receiving light from below; while conversely they can be seen as concave, when they are illuminated from above. In this regard, the Quantum Creativity project will have the opportunity of open new knowledge towards a better understanding of quantum phenomena of the brain, based on the activities of communication interpreted by means of the effect of the Quantum Entanglement in the gaps of the nanometric synapses. Changes of quantum effects in the crevices of nano-scale dimensions of the synapses seem to develop the functional evolution of the levels of brain plasticity, through a broad ability to change the structure of the interactivity of the neurological transmission of information. In particular, the Quantum Entanglement Effect may catalyse the release of synchronous and simultaneous firing among large network of neuro-transmission. This challenge of research with regard to nano-synapses will be the basis of an advanced study of the Quantum Creativity project, which will be oriented to interpret the “unique holistic” properties of human brain conscious activity. Without entering into the details of the research on quantum synaptic- communication, that is still being not well defined, we can now assert, however, that in the context of the development of the studies of Quantum Creativity, visual communication becomes a process that on the one hand concerns the acquisition of tangible aspects of perceived reality, while on the other concerns the methods and cognitive behaviours of the beholder. Within the transformation of visual communication and perception, introduced by QBT, it creates a new relationship between the cultural -communication of man and the world. Therefore, the concept of Quantum New Design becomes particularly related to the biological nature of the environment in such a way by deviating from the traditional divorce between culture and nature that also was caused by mechanical reductionism of science. Goal 4. ) - Quantum Creativity project will be: a) Foundational. in the sense that the breakthroughs can establish a basis for a new line of interdisciplinary knowledge bases on collaborative synergies among international research that will be open to early-stage research on any new technological possibility not currently anticipated and b) this Novelty based research proposed must find its plausibility in new ideas and concepts for a high –risk disruptive innovation , rather than in the application or incremental refinement of existing ones in order to follow the need of knowledge expanding well beyond the strictly technological realm. 4. The Quantum Brain Creativity Project Proposal To sum up and starting from the development of quantum knowledge, the Quantum Creativity foundation of project “Quantum Creativity “ , aims to overcome the great naive illusion of classic objectivity , being able to open up to a progress in Augmented Reality and other future emerging technologies of interactive communication. Finally, starting from the development of quantum knowledge the Quantum Creativity project aims to overcome the great naive illusion of classic objectivity , in order to being able us to open up a progress to “Augmented Reality” and/or to other future emerging technologies of future advanced communication. In conclusion, on the basis of Quantum brain Theory (QBT) the arbitrary division between subject and object of human perception, must be considered the naive result of our mechanical thinking. In fact, classical thought reduces brain activity to a passive reproduction of forms, assuming that they are already existing in the external world independently from the observer. Moreover, the sensory response seems to become completely separated from the process of thought which interprets it. This binary division between the world out there and the construction of the world in our heads, results in a false notion of objectivity that is based on the idea that the universe is composed of individuals who, in quality of observers, can be isolated and independent from the perception of objects built into our head that comes out from a bio-quantum mode of active perception.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:07:45 +0000

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