Quelly Ann Cottle has made an appeal to Prime Minister Kamla - TopicsExpress


Quelly Ann Cottle has made an appeal to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to not let her baby die in vain, but instead use his death to fix the horrors in the health sector. “I want to appeal to the Prime Minister, this could be a blessing, fix this, not just in Mt Hope, but ensure that no one, not just mothers and babies, no person should have to complain.” said Cottle in a telephone interview with the Express yesterday. She said her entire family had been happy and preparing for a new light in their home but now they are planning a funeral because the system failed her and her baby. Cottle suggested further that the medical licence of the doctor responsible should be revoked as he should not make any future errors which would result in the death of a baby. Dr Javed Chinnia performed a C-section on Cottle on March 1 in which her seven months, two weeks old foetus was cut on the head resulting in his death. He has since been suspended pending the outcome of an independent investigation. The Sunday Express exclusively published parts of a report into the death of the baby which was sent to Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan titled “Report into the death of infant of Quelly Ann Cottle” by acting quality coordinator of the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital Laldaye Jadoonanan. According to the report, Chinnia listed the incident as a “surgical event/surgical error”. In the report Chinnia detailed what happened the day of the surgery. “A Caesarean section was being performed for delivery as there was severe intrauterine growth restriction. Routine procedure was followed. The lower uterine segment was first incised using the scalpel. The incision was opened with blunt dissection using a small artery clip. On delivery of the foetus a laceration about 3-4cm was observed across the scalp. The paediatrician present was informed immediately as was the patient”. He also stated that he spent about three hours after the C-section counselling Cottle and monitoring her blood pressure following her baby’s death. “He’s (Dr Chinnia) the one that made the error, he’s the one who cut my child on his head and he needs to stand the responsibility for it. My baby might have been a preemie (premature baby) but he is dead, bottom line is I have a dead child,” said Cottle. She said she understands in life mistakes are made but not when it comes to human life. “He should not be making errors when it comes to human life, I put a lot of work into ensuring my child would be okay, just one error caused me to lose my child,” said Cottle. Cottle said contrary to Chinnia’s statement, he did not spend three hours counselling her the day her baby died. “They did monitor my blood pressure and said I will be okay. He (Chinnia) probably stayed about an hour, no longer than an hour. Dr Mitchell was the one who stayed with me and held my hand for an hour plus. She just sat there with me and my dead baby, she said she didn’t know what to say and I told her just being there meant a lot,” said Cottle. “Dr Chinnia left and he came back in the morning early and he stayed with me for about an hour again, he was just talking but everything was a blur what he said, I was just there hugging my baby blanket,” she added. She said at no point did Chinnia say an error was made which resulted in her baby’s head being cut. She said the doctor informed her that because of her baby’s prematurity he was unable to survive the cut. “I just feel that this is an ongoing nightmare and I was hoping that I could wake up soon and hug my baby,” she said. Emil Millington, the baby’s father, said the doctor as well as the consultants should be held accountable. “In my mind these doctors are on vacation, they are still being paid, this is madness,” he said. He noted that there has also been controversy surrounding the role of the consultant on duty. Millington said that all hands should have been on deck in his wife’s delivery and no one should be making excuses or running from blame. The couple are expected to decide today on whether there will be a second autopsy on the baby and a date for his funeral.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:42:30 +0000

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