Quit killing my people! !! Im tired of the black people primarily - TopicsExpress


Quit killing my people! !! Im tired of the black people primarily mixed people who wanna be fully white and Republican right wing redneck people!!! Commenting on this dudes death and ignoring the other deaths and also acting like its not a color thing but I guess its just a coincidence that theyre all black! ! It doesnt matter if your middle class low class or high.The Certain police forces are taking out theyre frustrations on innocent people its weird theyre constantly killing like its cool like a fad a epidemic like Twerking,selfies, and all these challenges. Is it a Kill a Nigger challenge or something Kill a Unarmed person challenge!!!! Ive heard the same dumb ignorant excuses over and over saying stuff like its between the officer and Mike Brown noone really knows and stuff like If I feard for my life I would do the same or if you robbed me I would do the same well thats cool and all but if you kept up on whats really going on from the people with nothing to lose and not some well known illuminati BilderBerg owned news propaganda machine known for a blatantly right-wing and dishonest presentation of the news! Aka Fox News!! You could really be making sense If you paid attention or read or looked on your own. Not rumors of what you heard. You would know that Mike brown was being attacked and ran for his life he was shot while holding his hands up and was executed while on the pavement still He never stole that was a story after the fact of him being murders hours later . meanwhile giving the cop and his precinct ample time to cover up theyre tracks smh in the footage he paid for the cigars his friend clearly gives the money and just because you fear someone or aka feel threatend doesnt mean kill them I mean im scared of brock Lesnar but If I Seen him coming my way in not gonna shoot em!! Especially if hes minding his own business. The second dumb thing I hear is a cop out if you call someone on the injustice and prejudice they all have the same comeback because they have no where to go. The rebuttal is well the looting is stupid theyre ignorant. Ok Lol hilarious really though I agree it might not be the smartest move but alot of you dont understand situations like these make you feel helpless you dont know what to do were tried sitting back turning the other cheek blogging protesting.Its reminding people of slavery which black people just dealt with for 500 years its like back then things were the way they were and nothing you could do but fight or run and sometimes you had good people whites or whatever who did feel it wasnt right ans chose to stand up or help and they were punished or murdered along with the black people of the past from 1555 to freedom riders, Martin Luther,Black panthers till now.Guess what now we have no where to run and since 1800s we suppose to had have equal rights but nothing is equal at all as you can see.So please try to understand rioting looting is a form of driving people crazy and frustration forcing them to lash out in anyway possible you hurt our community well we will hurt or take something from you!!! We are tired im tired we are humans rather were criminals or perfect model citizens not animals. I mean they left this kid in the street for hours because the officer was panicking after what he did in front of those people in that community. Ive heard that community isnt trust worthy why because theyre black or theyre poor neither should make a difference.Nothing makes them less believable or trustworthy than a cop which story takes a week to unfold and then you have a crowd of witnesses and a best friend to inform you on the spot no planned speach just pure Truth!!! And fear. 1 last thing the whole if he was white thing we wouldnt care oh really??!!! Is that why everybody mourned 911 or sandy hook or boston marathon!! Wrong is wrong when a human witnesses messed behavior we call it nomatter race color or creed. Its just modern day slavery even the news woman sayin protesters need to be water hosed might as well bring the dogs out!!! Smh maybe 1 day things a change.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:03:50 +0000

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