RABIES IS SPREAD BY INFECTED ANIMALS – FREQUENT RABIES VACCINATIONS ARE SOLD BY FEAR, INTIMIDATION & MISINFORMATION! Rabies from dogs is so rare in the U.S. that in 2007 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced back in 2007 at the Inaugural World Rabies Day Symposium that the “U.S. Declared Canine-Rabies Free” 1.usa.gov/P6xLi9. Rabies – The Big Scam by Dr. John Fudens, DVM bit.ly/1dFEYky According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), there were 164 million owned pets in the U.S in 2012 and according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ONLY 372 pets (303 cats and 69 dogs) tested positive from rabies in 2010. Considering those numbers and ongoing documented research by great veterinarians like Dr. Ronald Schultz, DVM and Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM with the Rabies Challenge Fund bit.ly/1f9qJTl now showing that one-time rabies vaccinations are good for at least seven years+ and most likely good for life immunity, cats/dogs are getting cancer and other fatal illness and disease, dying needlessly from frequent/over-vaccinating, NOT from rabies! “Homeopathic veterinarians and other holistic practioners have maintained for some time that vaccinations do more harm than they provide benefits.” Dr. Charles E. Loops DVM “I promise you this – annual [frequent] vaccination is coming to an end. We will look back in horror at what we used to do.” Catherine O’Driscoll, author of ‘What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines’ and ‘Shock To The System: The Facts About Animal Vaccination, Pet Food and How to keep your Pets Healthy’. “I think that vaccinations are the leading killers of dogs and cats in America today.” Dr. Mike Kohn, DVM “Routine vaccinations are probably the worst thing we can do for our animals. They cause all types of illnesses…” Dr. Christina Chambreau “For some readers the very idea that vaccines are anything but wonderful and life-saving may come as a surprise, and it’s not a very pleasant one.” Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D Frequent rabies and other vaccinations are a multi-billion $$$$ +/year business for Big Pharma and vets, not only from the vaccinations but also from treating cats/dogs for serious illness and disease resulting from over-vaccinating... one-time rabies vaccinations would seriously hurt profits for both BIG Pharma and veterinarians. “If 25% [some are 50%+] of my business were vaccinations, I would be potentially reluctant to decrease that and only vaccinate every few years.” Dr. Michael Goldberg, DVM “Veterinarians receive a large percentage of both their gross income and profit from vaccines given in the office. On average vaccines cost 60 to 95 cents per dose. Therefore, if veterinarians lobby to have a colorable law passed to give rabies vaccine every year that enhances their financial picture.” Dr. John Fudens, DVM “Consider this… One dose of rabies vaccine costs the vet about 61 cents. The client is typically charged between $15 and $38, plus a $35 office visit. The markup on the vaccine alone is 2,400 percent to 6,200 percent—a markup equivalent to charging $217 for a loaf of bread. According to one estimate, removing the one-year rabies vaccination and consequential office visit for dogs alone would decrease the average small vet’s income from $87,000 to $25,000—and this doesn’t include cats or other vaccinations.” Vaccinosis: Health Hazard of Routine Vaccination bit.ly/1lwf2do “63 percent of canine and 70 percent of feline vet office visits are for vaccinations. Clearly, radically changing the vaccine schedule for dogs and cats would result in a huge economic loss for any veterinary practice that is built around shots. And chances are the vaccines you are paying so much for are creating even more income for vets, because the adverse reactions and other medical issues caused by the vaccines keep Fluffy [and Fido] coming back often!” James Schwartz, author of Trust Me, I’m Not a Veterinarian Governments have to change their one and three-year vaccine protocols to reflect the reality but one can imagine the intense lobbying from Big Pharma and various veterinary associations... after all, aren’t governments and industry associations supposed to protect people and pets, ignore lobbyists and big $$$$ donations and do the right thing?... oh well...! “GREED, POWER AND CONTROL. Both these large powerful interest groups [veterinarians and veterinarian medical organizations; local animal control personnel, bureaucrats and politicians] stand to benefit greatly by having rabies mandated by colorable law.” Dr. John Fudens, DVM “The CVMA recognizes that vaccination protocols based on label recommendations are….. largely unsupported by controlled scientific studies for duration of immunity or protections from disease. As such, the protocols are only guidelines for use.” Statement issued by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association on vaccine protocols. [So the CVMA is saying not only do they not know how long vaccinations are good for they dont know if they work at all!] Dr. Rob Ashburner, DVM, a former president of The BC Veterinary Medical Association is more blunt, ‘There is no hard scientific evidence to say if vaccines should be given every year or three years or five years or once in a lifetime [or at all]… no one knows and it’s not in the interest of drug companies who make billions manufacturing [and veterinarians selling and treating cats/dogs] pet vaccines to find out.” “The American Veterinary Medical Association Feline Sarcoma Task Force initiated several studies to find out why 160,000 cats each year in the U.S.A. developed terminal cancer at their vaccine injection sites. The fact that cats can get vaccine induced cancer is acknowledged by veterinary bodies around the world... What do you imagine was the advice of the AVMA Task Force… ‘Carry on vaccinating’ … In America to mitigate the problem, they’re vaccinating cats in the tail or leg so that they can amputate when cancer appears… Great advice if it’s not your cat…”. ‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll Is it any wonder why cancer is now the #1 killer of cats/dogs when decades ago it wasn’t even on the radar...? Over-Vaccinations Are Killing Our Pets bit.ly/1ezpa2G Best Cat and Dog Nutrition Website: bit.ly/12741qT Best Cat and Dog Nutrition Pinterest: bit.ly/1aDodUl Best cat and Dog Nutrition FB Page: on.fb.me/16QJbrI Seven Questions To Ask EVERY Veterinarian: bit.ly/J3Hh2v Holistic and Integrative Vets in the U.S. (950): bit.ly/1bHYXuV Holistic and Integrative Vets in Canada (120) and the U.K. (14): bit.ly/1cKYTuQ
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:10:08 +0000

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