RDB PHILOSOPHY CHAPTER 7 While my RDB story as written on my - TopicsExpress


RDB PHILOSOPHY CHAPTER 7 While my RDB story as written on my pages and group and messenger is a worthwhile read, it doesnt pull the pieces together and build a clear understanding of my vision. I want to take you on a journey into the mind of RDB Social Advertising. After you finish reading this, youll have more than just a set of intriguing historical facts about RDB, youll be qualified to have a legitimately deep and meaningful intellectual conversation about RDB Social Advertising. Friends Last night Janet explains my Philosophy of friends like so, So I asked a lot of questions tonight. Why are you doing this? What does that mean? How does this work? What I got is that this is a long term vision, which Im not used to. First, you need engagement and interaction not only from your friends or fans but esp. from your inner circle (this). If your friends dont interact are they really friends? So eventually you form a new group and the people who dont follow or interact either dont come with you because they choose not to or you dont want them to be a part of it. I am one of the few people who say Facebook pages are all sick, there is no love left, it’s full of wanton self interested greed. I am a warrior who fights against the corruption that tends to develop in anyone who spends too long standing still on Facebook. RDB clients and fans are vision-minded. To be a legitimate client, friend or fan, you must have a clear picture of my vision. And your followers, your vision. This means you fully agreed to fight for it, to defend it. Live it every day. Those who do not seem to get it are systematically filtered out. When I keep clients and fans around who don’t seem to agree with, or care about my vision, I am potentially leading my future enemies. My friends and clients are engagement-minded. This morning Janet explains this as, if your engagement is low then it wont help you as much. If your friends wont support what you do then it will be harder to get others to. People look and see tons of comments and they think, this person knows what shes doing. She must be pretty good....more likely to buy or refer friends. Over two-thirds of people on Facebook will not Like & Comment on any brand. I am strict on my clients and friends level of commitment. Committed clients, friends, fans, and followers who are inspired by my grand purpose make the whole difference in the most competitive conditions. The RDB philosophy and vision offers real hope for mankind on social media, I say the good little guy always triumphs in the end if he keeps true to his intent and open with his heart. If there is any single episode that really sums up this hope for the world, its the moving story of RDB and my loyal friends paying $0.99 to edit a photo for love of my children and not money for greed. In 2 weeks, Katies Store made $2,000 editing photos so that I could have my Katie and Rhett again. Against all the odds we came back from the lonely abyss, that love turns into some of the most successful and beautiful stories in history, that love triumphs over soulless populist capitalist incumbents such as 99% of Facebook business pages, that love is finally recognised, embraced and applauded by friends. I have posted thousand of stories and each time I sharpen my skill with the number of comments. If less friends comment, I know I did something wrong. If more friends comment, then I narrow down on that skill. What I am doing is getting in touch with the defining spirit of Facebook at its best, going behind the surface and thinking about the idealism of content and working practices, developing the godlike philosophical vision that can see what others cant see, giving me seemly superhuman Facebook skills. I tell my clients, see me as your Facebook psychic. Whatever youre posting, Ive most likely already tried it and will tell you if your friends will comment and how many. When designing a post I dont skimp with the precise feeling and intent. I think about myself as a Mozart. I ignore the bums of social media begging me to create some crap for their wall. I invite them to do it the way its supposed to be. Over and over again I keep beating clients, 1st thing you ask in posting your message, is what do you want people to feel? Then inside the RDB chat you begin to craft and test your story around that feeling. It takes time…. You will start over a lot. Until every word brings that feeling to every reader. Janets To Do List, So my TO DO list: Go through my posts and delete anything that isnt getting likes and comments. Start building my list of friends by searching for people I have 20+ mutual friends with. Ask them to be friends with me. Start first with an emotion everyone can identify with, then talk about the details or what I want to share. And then her ADD kicks in and she gets a little off topic, This one Im still thinking about: make big things seem small and small things seem big. Then with her post last night Janet focuses on a key point to remember about the RDB philosophy: Im starting my only New Years resolution now. Im starting with A and going down my list of friends and engaging with a comment or like one of their posts. And mentions another idea, Another is for marketing and right now its my favorite one. We communicate through ongoing Facebook chat. We try posts out on each other, like each others posts. Then blows me away with, and we have a leader. Im a follower and learner in this group. Its an ongoing conversation that is satisfying because I love to learn and its so unconventional that I dont hear the same things Ive heard everywhere else. Then follows with just a couple more things, Facebook has become so valuable to me… and says something or other about her friends being the reason she loves Facebook and attributes to her success, and says something else like, …That person essentially disappears and if theyre really your friend you dont want that. Or something like that, if you care you can always read the actual quote on her wall, but dont do it unless you want to. Now I guess, I did type something or other in her comments, maybe you want to go look at what I wrote because Im pretty sure I wrote her signature. Its not a big deal if you like my comment, Its just whoever likes my comment will be added into my new RDB Messenger tonight. Then my favorite pink power ranger concludes, 94 comments, many so unexpectedly kind it makes me feel wonderful. People who never say anything are talking. Thank you. I did however dream about putting two pictures together to make more interesting photos. Also about things getting canceled or not being able to connect with friends I was supposed to meet. Good thing only one of those things happened. Perfect. lol — Read it. … :D
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:14:11 +0000

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